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The Official CLI Tool for manipulating data in


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Repository files navigation Data Ops: Import, Export, Sync and more.

Data-ops is a CLI tool for managing data in your projects. It suppports complex operations such as:

  • Import data
  • Export data
  • Sync data across environments
  • Migrations execution

It runs in Node.js with ESM support (lts).

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Getting Started

We recommend running data-ops with npx. Be aware that npx calls the cached version of the tool. Use @latest to ensure you're using the latest version.

Use `-h` or `--help` anytime to get information about available commands and their options.

npx @kontent-ai/data-ops@latest --help
# or
yarn dlx @kontent-ai/data-ops --help

# help for a specific command
npx @kontent-ai/data-ops@latest <command> --help

# you can also install the package globally, or locally
npm i @kontent-ai/data-ops -g

# with the package installed, you can call the tool as follows
data-ops --help


All options (including options for commands) can be provided in three different ways:

  • As command-line parameters (e.g. --environmentId xxx)
  • In a json configuration file (e.g. --configFile params.json) - we recommend this approach
  • As environment variables with DATA_OPS_ prefix and transformed into UPPER_SNAKE_CASE (e.g. DATA_OPS_ENVIRONMENT_ID=xxx @kontent-ai/data-ops ...)


The tool usage is based on commands provided in the following format:

npx @kontent-ai/data-ops@latest <command-name> <command-options>

The documentation for individual commands are provided in the files located in each command's respective folder (./src/commands). Data-ops supports the following commands:


All command functions are publicly exposed, making it easy to include them in your scripts


Getting Started

  • npm ci to install packages
  • npm run build to compile the tool
  • node build/src/index.js --help to run (or npm run start -- --help)

The tool is transpiled into the build folder. TypeScript in tests is handled by ts-jest.

Running tests

  • npm run test:unit to run unit tests
  • npm run test:integration to run integration tests (these create temporary environments and delete them afterwards, interrupting the tests while they're running may lead to orphaned environments in your project)
  • npm run test:advancedDiff compares generated advanced diff with a test baseline. Part of integration tests.

Prepare your testing project

To sucesfully execute integration tests, you need to prepare a project with corresponding environments. You can use the import command to import prepared zip files located at tests/integration/<testName>/data/<zipName>.zip.

Exporting tests environments

All test enviroments are exported in tests/integration/<testName>/data/<zipName>.zip. When you update any of these environments, you should also update the corresponding exported zip files. To streamline this process, we've provided a script called exportTestEnvironments.js. You can run it with the command npm run export:testEnv. If you need to export specific environments, you can use the following command parameters: -i for Import/Export test environment, -s for Sync Source Template environment, and -t for Sync Target Template environment. For instance, to export only the Sync Source and Sync Target environments, you would run npm run export:testEnv -- -s -t.


The configuration is only necessary to run the integration tests.

  • Copy the .env.template into .env (cp .env.template .env)
  • Fill in the values (each value is explained in comments in the template)


The main part of the tool is located in the src folder. The project is structured around commands, with each command defined on the yargs object in a folder of the same name within the src/commands folder. The exported register function (of type RegisterCommand) must be included in src/index.ts in the commandsToRegister array.

Tests can be found in tests/integration and tests/unit folders. Integration tests require environments and a valid MAPI key for successful execution. You can use the withTestEnvironment function to provide the tests with a new empty environment. Please note that creation and removal of new environments takes some time, therefore try to keep the number of environment-dependent tests to a minimum.