Mypyc is very early in development and not yet useful for anything.
Mypyc is a compiler that aims to eventually compile mypy-annotated, statically typed Python modules into Python C extensions.
macOS Sierra
Xcode command line tools
Python 3.6 (64-bit) from (other versions likely won't work right now)
A recent enough C/C++ build environment
Python 3.5+ (64-bit)
Windows is currently unsupported.
First clone the mypyc git repository and git submodules:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd mypyc
Optionally create a virtualenv (recommended):
$ virtualenv -p python3 <directory>
$ source <directory>/bin/activate
Then install the dependencies:
$ python3 -m pip install -r external/mypy/test-requirements.txt
You need to have the mypy
subdirectory in your PYTHONPATH
$ export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/external/mypy
Now you can run the tests:
$ pytest mypyc
Look at the issue tracker for things to work on.
We have some developer documentation.
These are the current planned major milestones:
Support a smallish but useful Python subset (exact details to be decided). Focus on compiling single modules, while the rest of the program is interpreted and does not need to be type checked. Generate useful errors for code that uses unsupported Python features.
Support compiling multiple modules as a single compilation unit (or dynamic linking of compiled modules). Without this inter-module calls will use slower Python-level objects, wrapper functions and Python namespaces.
Self-compilation (both mypy and mypyc).
We have some ideas for future improvements and optimizations.