Node that that scans for and publishes BLE devices Tested with ROS Kinetic with Ubuntu 16.04 and Raspbian
Install pyblue with pip (Must be python 2.7)
pip install pyblue
Than download this package and put it in your catkin_ws/src
go to catkin_ws and build
!IMPORTANT You need to run this as root (with sudo) or you have to change your bluetooth permissions so your user can access bluetooth
roslaunch ble_device_scanner ble_scanner.launch
After that you can listen to it using:
rostopic echo ble_devices
###Example output
rssi: "-68"
addr: "4d:dd:35:af:a2:e8"
adtype: "3"
description: "Complete 16b Services"
value: "0000fe9f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
adtype: "22"
description: "16b Service Data"
value: "9ffe025a535579743475695f75670000017110fdcc85"
adtype: "255"
description: "Manufacturer"
value: "e0000202ca94ee8a"
rssi: "-64"
addr: "51:cd:2f:8f:64:4c"
adtype: "1"
description: "Flags"
value: "1a"
adtype: "10"
description: "Tx Power"
value: "0c"
adtype: "255"
description: "Manufacturer"
value: "4c0010064b1eaff9a9bb"
rssi: "-69"
addr: "59:73:a7:5d:12:68"
adtype: "1"
description: "Flags"
value: "1a"
adtype: "10"
description: "Tx Power"
value: "0c"
adtype: "255"
description: "Manufacturer"
value: "4c001005471cfe5900"
rssi: "-56"
addr: "0c:c8:d2:34:1b:c1"
adtype: "255"
description: "Manufacturer"
value: "060001092002614cbc4fb7b91fe9ae8c0141965120c6df27f94408e411"