Python Flask tool for tracking all the login attempts to a JumpCloud Tenant in a map using JumpCloud's API. I made this cause I was bored and wanted to do something with JumpCloud. It was approximately 15 hours and is intended to showcase my skills in APIs and IAM. I have used this in real projects, but the data shown in the gif was randomized for privacy purposes.
- Retrieve Login Attempts from the JumpCloud API.
- Geographical Visualization on an interactive map using Folium Python library of all login attempts.
- Custom Date Range: Adjust the date range to view specific login attempts. API Restriction is of 90 day old logs
- Color-coded Markers: Differentiate between successful (green) and failed (red) login attempts with color-coded markers in the map.
- A JumpCloud tenant (obviously) with an admin account
- API Key of admin account in Jumpcloud
- requests, folium, flask and python-dotenv
- Sets up Flask and orchestrates the data fetching and map creation process.
- Interacts with the JumpCloud API and retrieves login attempts
- Processes the data and generates an HTML map using Folium.
- templates: Folder for HTML templates for Flask
- .env: Configuration file for storing environment variables like the JumpCloud API key.
The tool works as expected, but there may be bugs :)
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd JumpCloud-Geo-Login-Map
Create a .env file in the project's root directory and add your JumpCloud API Key:
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Flask application:
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000.
Adjust the start and end dates, then click "Run" to generate the map with login attempts.