Releases: kornl/gMCP
Package "graph" is no longer a dependency.
Class definition of graphMCP has changed and is no
longer a subclass of graphNEL. The function
is provided to update old serialized (saved) objects.
The GUI will use this function on its own if necessary. -
Also not longer a dependency: gtools, xtable, MCPAN
New dependency: lattice graphics for power simulations
Due to S4-methods and the optional "graph" package a lot
of renaming has taken place:
addEdge -> setEdge, edgeData -> edgeAttr,
nodeData -> nodeAttr, nodes -> getNodes -
Power simulation code from our third author
Bjoern Bornkamp. -
New example graphs:
- general and simple Successive Graphs
- fixedSequence
- Fallback Procedure
- Truncated Holm (special case)
- BauerEtAl2001
- HuqueAloshEtBhore2011
- BretzEtAl2009a/b/c
Renaming of older example graphs to simpler names.
CI dialog is modal.
LaTeX-Code can be shown in Dialog and does not have
to be saved in a file. -
PValues can be attached to graphMCP objects as an
attribute "pvalues". -
Function graphGUI has a new parameter:
Set this to TRUE for experimental features like the following: -
Power analysis in GUI.
Code for adaptive procedures (marked as experimental).
85 files changed, 2152 insertions(+), 1663 deletions(-)
Fixed a bug in the GUI that deleted often p-values.
Adjusted p-values are calculated also in the parametric case.
Graphs without epsilon edges can be processed by a
much faster procedure written in C. -
matrix2graph & graph2matrix deal better with variable edges.
Hopefully setDividerLocation works now always correct, i.e.
the graph panel will always use 2/3 of the screen. -
Fractions like (1-a)/(1+b) are now shown with the
correct layout in the GUI. -
Speed up due to reduced Java/R communication.
(More results are now cached in a Hashtable.)48 files changed, 559 insertions(+), 279 deletions(-)
New dependency: CommonJavaJars
This package contains now all the third party libraries. -
New example graphs:
- Two versions of improved fallback procedures
Improved placeNodes dialog.
JavaGD plot is shown in CI dialog.
Fixed bug with directory separators on Windows.
Initialize the Java VM only if it is not initialized already.
46 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
Fixed bug with saving and loading on Windows.
Fixed bug with two graphs that could not be loaded.
Fixed bug that the GUI expected a valid graph object on
start up. -
If an edge weights is 0 after variable replacement,
the edge is removed. -
Updated documentation that the graph package is not
available any more on CRAN. -
Layout of graph can be changed automatically from the GUI.
22 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
- New dependency: JavaGD, MCPAN
- Example graphs have been renamed (Please look at ?exampleGraph).
- Greek small letters are allowed as variables
- enter them as e.g. "\epsilon", "\iota", "\phi" in the GUI.
- use edgeData "variableWeight" to set them in R
(see graph2FromBretzEtAl2009 as an example). - epsilon has to be entered as "\epsilon" instead of "e"
- Below the graphPanel is now a new panel with
graph description and graph analysis. - Function placeNodes is now exported with new parameters:
nrow, ncol and force - We use package highlight for the manuals.
- New example graphs:
- Graphs from Hung and Wang (2010) and
Bretz et al. (2011)
- Graphs from Hung and Wang (2010) and
- All example graphs have a description and
graph attributes "description" are shown in the GUI. - First data files: hydroquinone and simvastatin
- simConfint also returns the point estimates as second column.
- Improved compatibility for R 2.8.
- New HTML file References.html accessible from the GUI.
- Unified loading of graphs.
- New function: joinGraphs
- It looks like JavaGD is not available for Solaris?
Anyone out there using this OS with gMCP?
75 files changed, 1398 insertions(+), 1117 deletions(-)
New dependency: xtable
Indefinite ProgressPanel is shown while calculating.
Calculations can be interrupted and canceled.
Improved / updated gMCP-LaTeX-Report now in the GUI.
New function: graphAnalysis
Fixed a major bug which prevented saving/loading in the GUI.
Mnemonic keys for the menu.
Buttons for loading estimates / sd from R in CI-dialog.
Improved zoom with TeXItem edge labels.
Menu entry for loading p-values.
Fixed visualization bug:
Panel with p-values was sometimes out of sync. -
Fixed bug: Edges with very small values were set to 0.
Fixed visualization bug:
Adjacency table was not updated when edge was deleted. -
GUI deals a lot better with rounding errors.
58 files changed, 1072 insertions(+), 596 deletions(-)
We use the library JLaTeXMath for edge labeling.
Eye candy (for example the edge labels have now a border and
are always drawn at the end). -
The settings for correlation are moved to the p-value panel.
The value for epsilon is optionally either asked every time
or the value from the option panel is used. -
Changed the order of the buttons in the main button panel.
GUI is remembering the last 4 used R objects / files.
Since r-forge has rJava problems at the moment and does
not provide gMCP builds, we pushed 0.6-1 early to CRAN.43 files changed, 666 insertions(+), 248 deletions(-)
The GUI supports edges with variables (although sum checking of
outgoing edges is disabled then till values are assigned to the
variables.) -
gMCP has new arguments: approxEps=TRUE, eps=10^(-4)
New function: substituteEps
Changes in class graphMCP:
- Attribute for node weights is called "nodeWeight".
- New mandatory edge attribute "epsilon".
graph2latex has the new arguments "labelTikZ", "tikzEnv" and
"offset".40 files changed, 599 insertions(+), 339 deletions(-)
We use weights instead of direct alpha allocation in the graphs.
This causes major API changes:- gMCP and many other functions have an argument alpha with an
default 0.05 - getAlpha is now called getWeights since it returns the weights
- graph2weights is removed since it is a special case of getWeights
- gMCP and many other functions have an argument alpha with an
due to these changes above, graphs that have been saved to files
will cause errors when loaded and processed -
getX/Y were renamed into getX/YCoordinates due to Rgraphviz
conflicts. -
graph2latex has a new argument "nodeTikZ".
new function bdiagNA for building block diagonal matrices with NA
values outside the diagonal -
Backward compatibility for R 2.8.0 and rJava 0.6-3.
CTRL+C interrupts only the last R command and does not close the
whole R session. -
CRAN has disabled checks on arch="ppc", so MacOS builds are again
available from CRAN. -
Bug report sends now also the result from traceback()
A lot of bug fixes for corner and edge cases
Please note that full epsilon support is postponed for version 0.6-0
61 files changed, 868 insertions(+), 482 deletions(-)