Releases: kornl/gMCP
Added code for graph based MCPs with partial knowledge of the
correlation structure from Florian Klinglmueller, who is now
coauthor. -
New dependencies in this code: gtools and multcomp (and therefore
also mvtnorm) -
gMCP has a new optional parameter "correlation".
The new vignette "correlated.pdf" shows the new features.
graphGUI Parameter grid is now 0 by default. This restores the last
used grid value. -
Fractions instead of decimal numbers are shown in more places.
Alpha values can be entered as R expression, e.g. "0.05/7".
When the test phase is started in the GUI, you are asked, whether
you have (partial) knowledge about the correlations between the
tests. -
Better support for more than one GUI window in the same R session.
All help files open correctly on windows machines - even with
Java 5.048 files changed, 278 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)
Mainly a bug-fix release, since the GUI was often not responding
in 0.3-5. -
C compiler is needed for building gMCP since the first C source file
was added. -
When saving/loading graphs, reports or png/LaTeX files, the last
directory is remembered. -
Adjusted p-values are now truncated and can not be bigger than one.
36 files changed, 278 insertions(+), 495 deletions(-)
Unfortunately after release it was noted that the GUI was not
responding in 0.3-5. -
New dependencies: MASS for MASS::fractions and PolynomF for polynoms
in epsilon. -
Saving and loading of graphs to/from files.
Method graphGUI has a new optional argument "pvalues" for loading
p-values. -
Trying to show fractions in the GUI instead of decimal numbers
Line width of graphs can be adjusted (line width 2 is now default)
Use of antialiasing for nicer graphics
Improvement of PNG exports
Parameters for example graphs in GUI
More RUnit tests
40 files changed, 363 insertions(+), 406 deletions(-)
Be careful with epsilon edges (we never specified what exactly they
are and how they should behave) and please wait for version 0.6
which will handle them in a completely new way and will document it.
Support for them is broken in this release. -
New example graph from Hommel et al. 2007.
Inserted missing $ in LaTeX code output from graph2latex.
Better automatic placement of edge labels.
Options dialog in GUI.
All doc files are accessible from the GUI menu.
The GUI Locale object is always set to English - that way there is
no decimal separator confusion etc. -
Edges with small weights are rendered better.
Dialog that shows adjusted p-values with much better layout.
New accompanying doc file: Description of Edges with Infinitesimal
Small Epsilon Weights (unfinished). [Removed in 0.3-4] -
graph2latex has the same vertical orientation as the GUI.
Option whether we want to still show already rejected nodes or not.
Option whether graphs should be colored or not.
Update in the GUI for confidence intervals to avoid a confused user.
Removed function adjPValues from public API - adjusted p-values are
now calculated in the gMCP call.33 files changed, 269 insertions(+), 282 deletions(-)
Renaming of parameter in simConfint: "confintF" is now "confint"
Updated confidence interval dialog (but still in development).
Confidence intervals for t- and normal distribution can be
calculated based on the p-values and point estimates in most cases. -
Reduced the package size.
Further improved capabilities for bug reporting.
We need rJava in version 0.8-3 or later.
Vignette can be shown from inside the GUI.
Function "setAlpha".
36 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)
The GUI has a menu bar.
Improved capabilities for bug reporting. All information that is
sent is also shown. -
Workaround for a problem with the graph package when a node has no
out-going edges. -
Numbers are now accepted with "." and "," as decimal points
A newly created edge is now by default an epsilon edge.
Edges from one node to itself (loops) are not allowed any more.
Start button is only enabled, if the graph has any nodes.
Bug-fix regarding epsilon edges.
25 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)
Major API changes (mostly gsrmtp replaced by gMCP - but now the API
should stay relatively stable). -
GraphGUI can now also be called directly on objects of class
graphMCP, like graphGUI(rejectNode(graph, "H1")). -
Small GUI bug-fix for placing edge labels while in any other zoom
level than 100%. -
Completely separated nodes (which only occur in sub-optimal testing
procedures) are now handled correctly. -
If the graph has no nodeRenderInfo available when the GUI is called,
the edges are placed in a circle. -
Deducer support if installed and loaded.
42 files changed, 980 insertions(+), 930 deletions(-)
If a correlation matrix is selected in the main window, the same
correlation matrix is loaded per default in the power analysis dialog. -
To comply with CRAN policies the function graphGUI has now an argument
envir to specify in which environment the object graph is located and/or
it should be saved (default is the global environment).41 files changed, 422 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-)