Scripts to perform bias correction of temperature time series as described in Ortega-Cisneros et al. 2024 (Pre-print available here).
The scripts
folder contains three Rmarkdown
files describing how to perform
temperature bias correction under different scenarios, and within two FishMIP
regional model boundaries.
The pdfs
folder contains PDF
versions of the Rmarkdown
files included in the scripts
folder. This may be useful for anyone not wanting to run the scripts, but is interested in visualising any figures produced in the scripts.
Most of the data used in this repository is available in the data
folder, with the exception of zarr
files. These files include monthly gridded data within the boundaries of regional models, and it is too large to be shared in this repository. However, you
can download data from the "GFDL model outputs" tab of the FishMIP regional model using the following link: Make sure data is donwloaded and uncompressed inside the data
folder before you can run any of the scripts.