I made these programs just for my personal use to automate some boring stuff but maybe they'll come in handy for another person out there.
Have you ever had a folder with a bunch of videos in it and wondered how many hours of watch time do they add up?
This simple script does exactly that. It calculates the watch time of all videos combined within a directory
Just insert the absolute path of the folder you want to calculate when the program asks you to.
e.g. C:\Users\Username\Videos\Captures
Used TinyTag to extract video metadata
Have you ever downloaded a movie or a series that ships with a lot of subtitle files(.srt files) that you dont need?
This script keeps only the english .srt files and deletes all the other within a directory.
Again, you just insert the absolute path of the directory that contains the subtitles and the media when the program asks you to.
e.g. C:\Users\Username\Movies\TheMovie
pip3 install pipenv(if you dont have pipenv)
pipenv shell
pipenv install