Made with Node.js, Express and MongoDB
- Install the dependecies with
npm install
- Go to config folder and modify the default.json file with your MongoURI and BaseURL (You can use localhost)
node start
To make a post request you can use Postman or if you are using VScode you can download the REST Client Extension for Visual Studio Code.
If you have Docker installed you can pull a MongoDB image and connect the app to your database container.
docker pull mongo:latest docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb mongo
Then, modify the default.json file like this:
{ "mongoURI": "mongodb://localhost:27017/urlshortener", "baseURL": "http://localhost:5000"}
Otherwise, you can use MongoDB Atlas or a local MongoDB
- Node.js Concepts
- Express Framework
- MongoDB
- Use Dependencies
- How URL Shortener Services Work
- Dockerized Database