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ci: update ci

ci: update ci #37

name: Release to Dev
- release_to_dev
runs-on: macOS-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Read Flutter SDK version
run: echo "FLUTTER_VERSION=$(jq -r '.flutterSdkVersion' .fvm/fvm_config.json)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
- name: Setup Flutter
uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
flutter-version: ${{ env.FLUTTER_VERSION }}
- name: flutter pub get (dart_flutter_common)
run: cd packages/dart_flutter_common && flutter pub get
- name: flutter pub get (firebase_common)
run: cd packages/firebase_common && flutter pub get
- name: flutter pub get (mottai_flutter_app)
run: cd packages/mottai_flutter_app && flutter pub get
- name: Create dev-dart-define.json from GitHub secret
run: |
cd packages/mottai_flutter_app
echo '${{ secrets.DEV_DART_DEFINE_JSON_STRING }}' > dev-dart-define.json
- name: Prepare Xcode build settings
run: |
# dev-dart-define.json から各値を読み込む
cd packages/mottai_flutter_app
FLAVOR=$(jq -r '.flavor' dev-dart-define.json)
APP_NAME=$(jq -r '.appName' dev-dart-define.json)
APP_ID_SUFFIX=$(jq -r '.appIdSuffix' dev-dart-define.json)
# DartDefines.xcconfig ファイルに書き込む
echo "flavor = dev" > DartDefines.xcconfig
echo "appName = mottai_dev" >> DartDefines.xcconfig
echo "appIdSuffix = .dev" >> DartDefines.xcconfig
# このファイルを Xcode が参照できるように ios ディレクトリに移動する
mv DartDefines.xcconfig ios/
- name: Decode and install provisioning profile
run: |
echo ${{ secrets.DEV_APPLE_DISTRIBUTION_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_BASE64_STRING }} | base64 --decode > profile.mobileprovision
mkdir -p ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles
cp profile.mobileprovision ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/
- name: Run import-codesign-certs
uses: Apple-Actions/import-codesign-certs@v2
p12-file-base64: ${{ secrets.DEV_APPLE_DISTRIBUTION_CERTIFICATE_P12_BASE64_STRING }}
- name: Prepare Xcode build settings for Distribution
run: |
# 適切なプロビジョニングプロファイルの名前を指定する
echo "PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER = Mottai Flutter App Dev" >> DartDefines.xcconfig
# 手動署名を選択する
echo "CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Manual" >> DartDefines.xcconfig
- name: Create Environment.swift
run: |
echo "import Foundation" > packages/mottai_flutter_app/ios/Runner/Environment.swift
echo "struct Env {" >> packages/mottai_flutter_app/ios/Runner/Environment.swift
echo " static let googleMapApiKey = \"${{ secrets.DEV_GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY }}\"" >> packages/mottai_flutter_app/ios/Runner/Environment.swift
echo "}" >> packages/mottai_flutter_app/ios/Runner/Environment.swift
- name: flutter build ipa
run: |
cd packages/mottai_flutter_app
flutter build ipa --release \
--dart-define-from-file="dev-dart-define.json" \
-t "lib/main.dart" \
--build-name=$(grep 'version:' pubspec.yaml | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | cut -d '+' -f 1) \
--build-number=$GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER \
- name: Show Xcode build settings
run: |
cd packages/mottai_flutter_app/ios
xcodebuild -showBuildSettings
- name: Save AuthKey_***.p8 file
run: |
mkdir -p packages/mottai_flutter_app/private_keys
echo "${{ secrets.DEV_IOS_AUTH_KEY }}" > packages/mottai_flutter_app/private_keys/AuthKey_X6578RX35S.p8
- name: Validate ipa
run: |
cd packages/mottai_flutter_app
xcrun altool --validate-app \
-f "./build/ios/ipa/mottai_dev.ipa" \
-t ios \
--apiKey ${{ secrets.DEV_IOS_API_KEY }} \
--apiIssuer ${{ secrets.DEV_IOS_API_ISSUER }} \
--private-key "./private_keys/AuthKey_X6578RX35S.p8"
- name: Upload ipa to TestFlight
run: |
cd packages/mottai_flutter_app
xcrun altool --upload-app \
-f "./build/ios/ipa/mottai_dev.ipa" \
-t ios \
--apiKey ${{ secrets.DEV_IOS_API_KEY }} \
--apiIssuer ${{ secrets.DEV_IOS_API_ISSUER }} \
--private-key "./private_keys/AuthKey_X6578RX35S.p8"