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PULsE 1.91FM_01

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@kotik-coder kotik-coder released this 11 Jun 19:14
· 78 commits to releases since this release

Better error handling in SearchTask: now instead of freezing on
nonsensical values, an exception is thrown by the assign() method in
ThermalProperties if the numeric properties in the ParameterVector do
not pass the validate() check, and is handled by setting the status of
the task to failed and breaking the main loop of the search.

Better handling of very small pulses where calculations could previously
start with a pulse width = 0 (less than the grid time step)

Better calculation of the maximum temperature rise for the heating
curves (baseline correction)

Fixed Proteus Netzsch import. Included import of diameter

Fixed half-time determination for heating curves with high Bi numbers (limited the upper search range by the time of maximum)