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Releases: kovshenin/sail


21 Sep 11:41
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PHP 8.3 and Ubuntu 24.04 + some housekeeping, dependency updates and compatibility.

  • Changed: PHP 8.3 is now default
  • Changed: Updated xhprof extension for PHP 8.3 support
  • Changed: Updated default Ubuntu image to 24.04 LTS
  • Changed: Migrated to pyproject.toml
  • Changed: Updated various dependencies
  • Changed: Improved the script
  • Fixed: Explicit set of CWD when invoking WP-CLI functions via sudo
  • Fixed: Allow cloud-init to succeed with a warning
  • Fixed: Improved SSH upload key handling on DigitalOcean
  • Fixed: Python 3.12 compatibility

Full Changelog: 0.10.8...0.10.9


22 Sep 10:45
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Looks like the Ubuntu 22.10 image didn't last too long, downgrading to the previous LTS which still has PHP 8.1 support.

  • Changed: Set the default Ubuntu image to 22.04 LTS
  • Changed: Updated dependencies: fabric, requests, paramiko, packaging, pyyaml, click, tldextract
  • Fixed: Some typos

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.10.7...0.10.8


17 Mar 22:20
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PHP 8.1 with Ubuntu 22.10 are now the default. Added domain import/export commands and a remote wp-admin login feature. Enjoy!

  • Added: New sail domain export and sail domain import commands
  • Added: Remote login for sail admin
  • Added: New --redeploy flag to sail deploy to overwrite existing release directory
  • Added: Support for --label in sail ssh key add
  • Changed: Improved output of sail ssh key list with key metadata
  • Changed: Improved the speed of all SSH key operations by computing fingerprints locally
  • Changed: Default image is now Ubuntu 22.10 with PHP 8.1
  • Changed: Updated various libraries
  • Changed: Various small enhancements and changes for premium
  • Fixed: The --json flag in sail ssh key list threw an error
  • Fixed: Make sure fail2ban is running before reloading
  • Fixed: Suppress paramiko cryptography library for older versions
  • Fixed: Improved some failing tests

Full Changelog: 0.10.6...0.10.7


07 Apr 11:18
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Quite a few bug fixes and tiny enhancements for your smooth sailing.

  • Added: New commands section for Blueprints to run arbitrary commands via SSH
  • Added: New --json flag for sail regions, added some colors
  • Added: New --json flag for sail sizes and improved output
  • Added: New --json flog for sail init and sail destroy, along with some util updates
  • Added: ClientAliveInterval setting for sshd to keep SSH sessions running
  • Fixed: Bug in sail db import which didn't allow the database import to complete
  • Fixed: Renewals of certs in Certbot should trigger Nginx reload
  • Fixed: Avoid dots in generated cron.d filenames as run-parts does not run them
  • Fixed: Python error when running sail profile curl, also ignore case on X-Sail-Profile search
  • Changed: Update xhprof PHP module for better closure support
  • Changed: Bumped minimum Python version to 3.8 in install script, added support for python3.8 binary
  • Changed: Removed PrettyTable dependency
  • Changed: Updated dependencies: paramiko, jinja2, fabric, click
  • Changed: Better error messages in Rsync when key permissions are too open
  • Changed: More verbose output for piped SSH commands when running in debug mode


08 Feb 10:29
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  • Added: New sail sftp enable and sail sftp disable commands to enable/disable SFTP (SSH, scp, rsync, etc.) access for www-data
  • Added: New files section support for blueprints
  • Added: New --json flag for sail domain list
  • Added: Enabled the MySQL slow query log for new provisions, view with sail logs --mysql
  • Added: php-intl package to cloud-config.yaml
  • Changed: Deny public access to wp-content/debug.log in default Nginx config
  • Changed: Add logrotate configuration for wp-content/debug.log
  • Changed: Don't allow sail destroy on applications with user domains
  • Fixed: Prime the WordPress environment after running a default blueprint at init
  • Fixed: Postfix permissions (again) causing some configurations to error with permission denied in


14 Jan 09:13
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  • Added: New sail rebuild command to re-provision a fresh environment on the same host
  • Added: New sail db reset-password command to reset the database credentials and update wp-config.php
  • Added: A sail db import will attempt an atomic import via a temporary table, will fix non-standard table prefixes, use --partial to override
  • Changed: Set the WordPress admin_user to the first part of the provided e-mail, to prevent leaking the full e-mail address
  • Changed: Removed syslog configuration from Nginx for better performance
  • Changed: Updated sail logs to work with default Nginx access/error logs in addition to journald
  • Changed: Added worker_rlimit_nofile to Nginx to allow more open files
  • Changed: Default --lines in sail logs will now read terminal height
  • Fixed: Nginx warning on duplicate mime type declaration for font/woff


27 Dec 08:40
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Hey all!

Quite a few updates this time, most notably the new default.yaml blueprint which will now be used with every sail init. This adds the Surge page caching plugin, and a fail2ban configuration to prevent password bruteforce attacks on SSH and WordPress. If you'd like to disable this behavior and provision an empty install instead, you can pass your own --blueprint to sail init, or --blueprint=none to provision without any BP at all.

We've also added some colors and improved the output format. Tested on various terminals and color schemes, but if you bump into any contrast and readability issues, please don't hesitate to open a new issue.

A few Premium features added with this release as well. You can learn more about Sail Premium here.


  • Added: A default.yaml blueprint, with Surge cache and fail2ban pre-insalled
  • Added: Quite a few colors to most of the Sail commands, better output formatting, output utils
  • Changed: Increased default upload/post max size from 2/8M to 128M in PHP
  • Changed: Increased client_max_body_size from 32M to 128M in Nginx
  • Changed: sail backup is now an alias to sail backup create, sail restore is an alias to sail backup restore
  • Changed: Added a quiet argument to ssh key add to suppress output
  • Changed: Updated various dependencies
  • Changed: Better error handling in
  • Changed: Cleaned, moved remaining tutorials to the knowledgebase
  • Fixed: Installer will no longer fail silently on missing python3-venv module
  • Fixed: Error in postfix unable to read the configuration file

Premium features:

  • Added: Managed backups sail backup (automatic daily and on-demand)
  • Added: Uptime and health monitoring sail monitor with e-mail/SMS alerts
  • Added: Image optimization and WebP

Happy holidays!


22 Dec 16:05
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0.10.3-beta2 Pre-release

All of the premium stuff merged, quite a few design changes. Back on the mainline branch now too.

If you'd like to help test the premium features, ask for a key in Slack.


20 Dec 15:23
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0.10.3-beta1 Pre-release

Work around premium features primarily: image optimization, managed backups, monitoring.

Let us know on Slack if you would like to help test them out and we'll be happy to grant you a license key.


13 Dec 10:07
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A few minor fixes and quality-of-life improvements in this release:

  • Added: New sail cron commands to add, remove and view system cron entries
  • Added: Default fastcgi_cache configuration, compatible with most advanced-cache.php-based caching plugins
  • Added: A --json flag to the sail db export command for easier integration with third-party scripts
  • Changed: Update for profiling, adds labels to do_shortcode_tag
  • Changed: Nginx server configuration template now adds http2 support by default
  • Changed: Increased various timeouts in init
  • Changed: .ico requests can now be served by PHP/WordPress
  • Fixed: ufw now properly configured during provision
  • Fixed: Redirects in sail profile will no longer be followed