This project is a SSR React app (in Next.js) which displays Formula 1 historical data back to first F1 season in 1950. Data comes from Ergast Developer API. Layout is based on Material-UI.
Live demo:
- Find a better way to fetch drivers and constructors photos. Currently I use page images from Wikipedia API, but that works poorly for constructors. I consider using Bing Search API, but free version comes with only 3 requests per second and that won't work for pages displaying multiple drivers/constructors
- Setup own instance of the API and fetch from it. Currently the biggest problem of the app is slow API response time which kills load times. I plan to somehow integrate this repo into one server with Next.js front-end.
- Expand constructor colors database
- Expand circuit images directory
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You need to have installed npm
and preferably yarn
First of all, fork the repository and clone it. Run terminal inside the cloned directory and run:
This will install necessary packages. When packages are installed, run a development server with:
yarn dev
Open localhost:3000
in browser and app should be running.
I use Now by ZEIT to deploy the app. It is a free hosting for Next.js apps which integrates with GitHub and fires a deploy process whenever a commit is pushed to the master
- Next.js - React framework for Server Side Rendering
- Material-UI - React components framework based on Material Design
- Ergast Developer API - API from which data is fetched
Currently contributions are disabled.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details