New documentation in GitHub Pages
The new documentation in GitHub Pages is now live: http://kpetremann.github.io/salt-exporter 🎉.
The README.md has been simplified.
Metrics changes
Three major changes regarding metrics:
now also counts scheduled job returnsuccess
label has been removed fromsalt_new_job_total
, it was hardcoded and not really useful.- Failing scheduled job are now properly marked as failed in the metrics. The issue was due to an inconsistency behavior in Salt event return.
Configuration via environment variables
In addition to flags and config file, the exporter can now be configured using environment variables.
It will be useful when deploying via a container.
Salt-live TUI
Salt-live is now stable. It is like salt-run state.event pretty=True
but under steroids!
Breaking changes
- fix!: remove salt_new_job_total success label (@kpetremann)
- fix!: salt_responses_total was not including scheduled job return (@kpetremann)
- feat(live): insensitive keymap (@kpetremann)
- feat(live): more visible frozen mode (@kpetremann)
- feat: add version flag (@kpetremann)
- feat: configuration via environment variables (@kpetremann)
- feat: parse state module return (@kpetremann)
- fix(live): TUI overflow issues (@kpetremann)
- fix: bad ipc-file mapping (@kpetremann)
- fix: failing scheduled job exposed as successful (@kpetremann)
- Merge pull request #40 from kpetremann/schedule_advanced_success_check (@kpetremann)
- Merge pull request #41 from kpetremann/fix_total_response (@kpetremann)
- Merge pull request #42 from kpetremann/config_ipc (@kpetremann)
- Merge pull request #43 from kpetremann/config_via_env (@kpetremann)
- Merge pull request #46 from kpetremann/doc (@kpetremann)
- Merge pull request #47 from kpetremann/remove_success_new_job (@kpetremann)
- Merge pull request #48 from kpetremann/version_flag (@kpetremann)
- chore: log IPC file used (@kpetremann)
- ci: publish doc to GH Pages (@kpetremann)
- docs(live): scripted demo (@kpetremann)
- feat(cli/config): ipc file location can be set (@kpetremann)
- tests: fix unit tests (@kpetremann)