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XtLightbox stands for extendable lightbox. It allows for easy extension of any kind. It is divided into three parts: Adaptors, Renderers and Base.

Adaptors control the contents of the lightbox. There are three Adaptors already included: Image, YouTube and Vimeo. You can easily write more adaptors to embed anything into the lightbox.

Renderers control how the lightbox is rendered and how the elements are positioned. Currently only the default lightbox Renderer is included by default. Creating a custom renderer allows you to completely tweak the look and feel of your lightbox.

Base puts everything together.


How to use

Include everything you need into your document:

<!-- Base -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/XtLightbox/XtLightbox.js"></script>
<!-- Adaptors -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/XtLightbox/Adaptor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/XtLightbox/Adaptor/Image.js"></script>
<!-- Renderers -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/XtLightbox/Renderer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/XtLightbox/Renderer/Lightbox.js"></script>
<!-- Renderer styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/XtLightbox/Renderer/Lightbox/style.css" />

Create a collection of elements:

<div class="xtlightbox-gallery">
    <a href="/images/image1.jpg" title="Image 1">Image 1</a>
    <a href="/images/image2.jpg" title="Image 2">Image 2</a>
    <a href="/images/image3.jpg" title="Image 3">Image 3</a>

Initialize the lightbox:

window.addEvent('domready', function() {
    new XtLightbox('.xtlightbox-gallery a');


XtLightbox has several levels of configuration: Base config, Renderer config and Adaptor config (on a per-adaptor basis). All of the options are passed to the Base class. Each adaptor and renderer can introduce any number of additional options. Here are the options, available so far:


  • adaptors: an array of adaptor names to be used with this instance. Defaults to ['Image']
  • adaptorOptions: additional adaptor configuration. See below.
  • renderer: a name of a renderer to use with this instance. Defaults to 'Lightbox'
  • rendererOptions: additional renderer configuration. See below.
  • preload: if true, all the content will be preloaded as soon as the lightbox is initialized. Defaults to false
  • incrementalPreLoad: if greater than zero, incrementally preloads this many content items before and after the current. Does not depend on preload option. Defaults to 3
  • loop: if true, clicking next while on the last element in the collection will move the user to the first element in the collection and vice-versa. Defaults to false
  • closeKeys: an array of key names, pressing which should trigger the lightbox to close. Defaults to ['esc'],
  • nextKeys: an array of key names, pressing which should trigger the lightbox to show next image. Defaults to ['right', 'space']
  • prevKeys: an array of key names, pressing which should trigger the lightbox to show previous image. Defaults to ['left']

Adaptor: Image

  • extensions: an array of file extensions to treat as images. If 'jpg' is present in this array, the 'jpeg' extension is added automatically. Any hrefs that do not end in these extensions are skipped by the lightbox. Defaults to ['jpg', 'png', 'gif'].
  • lightboxCompat: if true, elements will be checked for having their rel attribute start with 'lighbox' instead of checking for their extensions. Defaults to true

Adaptor: YouTube

  • width: the width of the video. Defaults to 853.
  • height: the height of the video. Defaults to 505.
  • hd: if true, all the movies are loaded in HD quality, if available. Defaults to true.
  • fullscreen: if true, a fullscreen button will be available for all videos. Defaults to true.
  • related: if true, related videos feature is included. Defaults to false.
  • autoplay: if true, the video will be automatically played upon show. Defaults to true.
  • iframe: if true, newer iframe embed code will be used. Defaults to false.

Adaptor: Vimeo

  • width: the width of the video. Defaults to 800.
  • height: the height of the video. Defaults to 450.
  • title: if true, the title of the video will be shown inside the video. Defaults to true.
  • byline: if true, the author of the video will be shown inside the video. Defaults to true.
  • portrait: if true, the author portrait will be shown inside the video. Defaults to true.
  • color: interface color, value must be a hex rgb without the hash symbol. Defaults to '00adef'.
  • autoplay: if true, the video will be automatically played upon show. Defaults to true.
  • loop: if true, the video playback will be looped. Defaults to false.
  • iframe: if true, newer iframe embed code will be used. Defaults to true.


  • positionText: Used to specify a custom "Image x of y" string. Defaults to 'Image {x} of {total}'
  • useMask: if true, the Mask class from MooTools more will be used when showing the lightbox. Defaults to true.
  • maskOptions: additional Mask options.
  • hideArrowsFor: an array of adaptor names, the contents for which should not have the next/previous overlays. Defaults to empty array.
  • hideSinglePosition: if true, positionText will be hidden for single image collections. Defaults to true.

Renderer: Lightbox

  • maskFxOptions: additional options for the Mask's Fx.Tween instance.
  • widthFxOptions: additional options for the Fx.Tween, that is used to adjust lightbox width.
  • heightFxOptions: additional options for the Fx.Tween, that is used to adjust lightbox height. Also used to adjust the top value.
  • contentFxOptions: additional options for the Fx.Tween, that is used to reveal the content of the lightbox.
  • footerFxOptions: additional options for the Fx.Tween, that is used to reveal the footer (content title and position) of the lightbox.
  • hideArrowsFor: see Renderer options for details. Default value changed to ['YouTube', 'Vimeo'] for this Renderer.

Setting Adaptor and Renderer options

Let's assume you want to disable lightbox compatibility of the Image Adaptor and adjust the position text for the Renderer. Here's how you do it:

window.addEvent('domready', function() {
    new XtLightbox('.xtlightbox-gallery a', {
        adaptorOptions: {
            Image: {
                lightboxCompat: false
        rendererOptions: {
            positionText: "Image {x} of {total}. Use arrows to navigate, Esc to close."

Control options

XtLightbox allows you to add and remove elements from the collection using the Base class API:

var xtl = new XtLightbox();

An element will only be attached once and only to a single lightbox instance. To detach any element, use this:



XtLightbox provides several events you can listen to. One idea is to load more images using ajax when a user is close to viewing the last one in the collection. Here is the list of all the supported events:

  • attach: fired as soon as an element is attached. Takes attached element as the only argument. Fired several times for an element collection.
  • detach: fired as soon as an element is detached. Takes detached element as the only argument. Fired several times for an element collection.
  • show: fired as soon as the show sequence is started. Takes current element as the only argument.
  • hide: fired as soon as the hide sequence is started. No arguments.
  • next: fired as soon as the next button is pressed. Takes the next element as the only argument. Note, that the show event is fired next.
  • previous: fired as soon as the previous button is pressed. Takes the previous element as the only argument. Note, that the show event is fired next.
  • clear: fired when the lightbox instance is cleared of all elements. No arguments.
  • destroy: fired when the lightbox instance is destroyed. Also fires the clear event.


Version 1.3.8

  • Added HTTPS support for Vimeo and YouTube (credit to ronaldbarendse);

Version 1.3.7

  • When looping is enabled and there is only a single element, the previous/next arrows are hidden (credit to ronaldbarendse);
  • Rolled back changes introduced in version 1.3.6, as they broke the lightbox renderer for a lot of browsers;

Version 1.3.6

  • Fixed lightbox footer on iOS (Issue #19);

Version 1.3.5

  • Fixed detach method not working because of invalid function binding (Issue #18);

Version 1.3.4

  • Fixed an exception being thrown when using incrementalPreLoad on single element galleries (Reported by Ben Mueller);

Version 1.3.3

  • Replaced $ with calls to improve compatibility with other frameworks (Issue #13);

Version 1.3.2

  • Fixed image skipping when navigating with keyboard (Issue #12);

Version 1.3.1

  • Added Vimeo Adaptor;
  • Added iframe option to YouTube Adaptor;
  • Added Vimeo Adaptor to the Lightbox Renderer's default hideArrowsFor option value;

Version 1.3

  • Content now resizes to fit the screen (Issue #6);

NOTE: Adaptor and Renderer API has been updated to support new feature. Default Renderer stylesheet has also been updated.

Version 1.2.2

  • Fixed incrementalPreLoad option to use the correct adaptor for each element (credit to thomasd);

Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed detach method element selector;

Version 1.2

  • Added incrementalPreLoad option (credit to iloveitaly);
  • All sources use MooTools coding convention (credit to eerne);

Version 1.1

  • Added fullscreen option to YouTube Adaptor (Issue #1);
  • Removed adaptor enforced arrow removal. Arrows can now be removed using Renderer options (Issue #2);
  • Added hideSinglePosition option to Renderer (Issue #3);
  • Added setLoading method to Renderer (Issue #4);
  • Fixed Lightbox Renderer mask usage when mask is disabled (Issue #5);
  • Fixed exception triggered by clicking on a mask when transition animation is in progress (Issue #7);