Following the success of CK (Collective Knowledge) framework and based on the experience of using it in scientific experimentation here we attempt to re-design certain assumptions central to the CK framework's kernel which cannot be simply evolved from its current state due to the requirement of code's backwards compatibility.
The goal here is to retain compatibility with the core ideas and the spirit of CK.
Simply download the repository.
git clone --branch stable ~/axs
Add the path to bashrc
echo "export PATH='$PATH:$HOME/axs'" >> ~/.bashrc
And source it.
source ~/.bashrc
Upon sucessful installation.
user@laptop:~/axs$ axs
The dependencies of various components are managed through axs
entries. To start with, entries can be found in ~/axs/core_collection
. When programs are being executed for the first time, new entries will be automatically stored in work collection. By default, they are located at ~/work_collection