- bwtaMapAnalyzerV1_0.exe - a standalone BWAPI Client based map analyzer, which spits a .bwta file as a result after running.
- stripped BWTA source code that doesn't support terrain analysis generation (i.e. creating the .bwta file is done by 1), but supports everything else - actually using BWTA by a bot. This stripped down version doesn't depend on CGAL, boost, tinyxml, etc.
BWTA hasn't been maintained for about two years already and it's no longer compatible with the new BWAPI version and even worse - (because of its dependencies) with the newer C++ compilers. The aim of this project is to provide means for bot developers to use BWTA with newer C++ compilers and after some more work - with the new BWAPI version.
- In case for a particular map a previously generated .bwta file is not available, one needs to run ONCE bwtaMapAnalyzerV1_0.exe as a BWAPI Client along with BWAPI v3.7.4 in order to generate a .bwta file.
- A bot that utilizes the stripped down version of BWTA can then run normally with BWAPI using the pregenerated .bwta file.