Connects to RepBox or any Filament Storage Box supporting the below serial communications:
- sends periodic updates in the following format: H:xx.xx% T:xx.xxC S1:x.xxkg S2:x.xxkg S3:x.xxkg S4:x.xxkg L1:x.xxmm L2:x.xxmm L3:x.xxmm L4:x.xxmm P:[ON|OFF]
- accepts the following commands:
- SET H=xx (sets maxHumidity to xx)
- SET T=xx (sets maxTemperature to xx)
- TARE y (Tares scale y, 0<y<5)
- ZERO z (Zeros length z, 0<z<5)
- CALI y=xx (Calibrates scale y, 0<y<5, with a known weight xx)
Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:
Default Max Temp: Max Temp will be set to this value on startup.
Default Max Humidity: Max Temp will be set to this value on startup.
Pause on Extrusion Mismatch: Pauses the print if the extrusion mismatch is greater than the below value.
Maximum Extrusion Mismatch: If the Gcode extrusion value minus the filament box extrusion value
is greater than this value, the print will be paused.
Max Temp: If the temp goes above this, the dehydrator will be turned off.
Max Humidity: If the humidity goes above this, the dehydrator will be turned on, unless currentTemp > maxTemp.
Any USB device that operates similarly to this Open Source project: