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Certdog IIS PowerShell Script

This script can be used to generate certificates, bind them to IIS sites and then automatically renew

Full details on this script can be found here

Get the signed version of this script from here

More info on certdog:

All the documentation:


An instance of certdog is required. A Docker image of certdog can be obtained from here:

You may also install the application locally. Contact Krestfield Support to obtain the installer

You may make use of the test environment here: If this is not available, or if you wish to make changes, email us at

Certdog can interface to your Microsoft CAs or PrimeKey EJBCAs providing a simple UI or a REST API (as is used by this script) to automate the issuance of certificates

To learn more about certdog, go here


The script can generate a local CSR (stored in the Local Machine certificate store), with additional SANs (subject alternative names), if required

This can be processed by the certdog application, and the issued certificate installed

IIS bindings can then be updated with the new certificate details

The script can also create a scheduled task which will, by default, run every day and check the expiry of the certificates bound to the bindings selected. When nearing expiry, the certificate will be automatically renewed and the relevant IIS binding updated


Open a PowerShell window as Administrator

Simple run options:

.\certdog-iis.ps1 -new

This will prompt for all information including the certdog login as well as the binding and certificate details

To provide the certdog authentication details (and not be prompted for username/password), run:

.\certdog-iis.ps1 -new -username [certdoguser] -password [certdogpassword]

Once the above has been performed the script saves the required information. Running:

.\certdog-iis.ps1 -renew

Will check and process any renewals required for the sites and bindings configured when the -new switch was used

As above, this can be run with the username and password options:

.\certdog-iis.ps1 -renew -username [certdoguser] -password [certdogpassword]

To list what bindings are being monitored:

.\certdog-iis.ps1 -list

To just create a scheduled task that runs the .\certdog-iis.ps1 -renew script daily, run

.\certdog-iis.ps1 -taskonly

To override the certdog URL as specified in the settings.json file, use -certdogUrl e.g.

.\certdog-iis.ps1 -new -certdogUrl

To ignore any SSL errors (if the certdog URL is not protected with a trusted cert), use -ignoreSslErrors e.g.

.\certdog-iis.ps1 -new -ignoreSslErrors

Settings (settings.json)

Settings are stored within the settings.json file. Sample contents:

	"certdogUrl" : "",
	"certIssuerName" : "Certdog TLS",
	"renewalDays" : 30,
	"csrKeyLength" : 2048,
	"csrHash" : "sha256",
	"csrProvider" : "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider",
	"csrProviderType" : 12,
	"exportable" : "FALSE",
	"eventLogId" : 5280,
	"errorLogId" : 5281
  • certdogUrl

The URL of the certdog installation's api. If using the Docker image the default setting will operate OK

  • certIssuer

The name of the certificate issuer as configured in certdog (e.g. Certdog TLS Issuer)

  • renewalDays

When the script is run with the -renew option this value will be used when deciding whether to renew certificates or not

If a certificate is expiring in renewalDays (or fewer) the renewal process will initiate

  • csrKeyLength

When a new CSR is generated (when creating a new or renewing a current certificate), this key length will be used

  • csrHash

The hash used to generate the CSR

  • csrProvider

This is the Microsoft provider that will be used to generate the CSR

  • csrProviderType

This depends on the csrProvider selected and must match. See here for more information

  • exportable

If TRUE then it will be permitted for the private key of the issued certificate to be exported (e.g. as a password protected PFX/PKCS#12 file)

  • eventLogId

This is the Event Log ID that will be assigned to entries the script adds. If monitoring events, you may need to note this value. It can also be updated here

  • errorLogId

This is the Event Log ID that will be assigned to entries the script adds when errors occur. If monitoring error events, you may need to note this value. It can also be updated here