In this project, I built two pages (home page and about page) of an imaginary summit event. The design was based on a previous design by Cindy Shin at Behance. I personalized it to a summit on climate change, which is one of the many problems we face as a global community. By completing this project, I have demonstrated mastery in UI design using HTML and CSS and an ability to use JavaScript to manipulate events. This project also signifies my completion of module 1 in the Microverse curriculum.
- Major Languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Tools: VsCode, Linters, Chrome Dev Tools.
To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple example steps.
Before attempting to get a copy of this, you should know(have) how to do the following:
How to use the command line interface(CLI)
Know how to navigate directories or folders at the CLI.
Know how to get the URL(https/ssh) of a repository on GitHub.
You should have a code editor installed, preferably VsCode.
- In desired folder or directory in the CLI, run the command:
git clone (https/ssh)URL
-Navigate into the cloned folder or repository by running the command:
cd <folder/name of the repository>
- If VsCode is your default code editor, run:
code .
- You are all setup!
👤 Kiyong Bohbo
- GitHub: krisbobo
- Twitter: ChrisboboSys
- LinkedIn: kiyong-christian
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Cindy Shin from Behance
- Photo credit goes to Luis Quintero, Vanessa Garcia.
- The home page's background image was gotten from unsplash and credit goes to Gavin Kelman.
- The about page's background image was gotten from unsplash and credit goes to Annie Spratt for making that possible.
- The company logos added in the partners section is only for demo and I have no links or connection to these companies.
- Any other person whose photo or icon was used but wasn't duly noted.
This project is MIT licensed.