Php Support Ticket web application will help users to add, view, edit and delete the tickets. There are three user levels in this program.
Admin has all the privileges over the tickets. On the other hand, staffs have certain privileges such as provide solution, marked as solved.
This program is suitable for basic support ticket department in the company.
Free to use for educational purposes
Edit the database in the inc/dbconfig.php file For example :
$seegee_host = ""; $seegee_database = "a8804510_support"; $seegee_user = "a8804510_helpd"; $seegee_password = "krishan23";
You may want to replace the existing website path with your website path in following files :
index.php, inc/admin_staffs.php, inc/admin_staffs_edit.php, inc/a_tickets.php, inc/new_staffs.php
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