This is an extension that impelements tinyint
(1 byte integer) as a data type
of PostgreSQL. Traditionally, PostgreSQL core has
a policy not to have 1 byte integer in it. With this module, you can define 1 byte
integer column on your tables, which will help query performances and portabilities
from other RDBMS.
- Features
- Supported platforms
- Installation
- Usage
- Examples
- Common tests
- Special tests
- Limitations
- Development roadmap
- Useful links
- Authors
data type provides transformations to or from other integer data types
and arythmetic operations. Also there is int1
alias as domain.
was developed on Linux and should run on any reasonably POSIX-compliant system.
Only source installacion is availlable. There is no rpm
or deb
packages. We will be glad if any tinyint
packages will be made.
For Ubuntu/Debian environment
or similar package for Your versiongcc
or similar package as PostgreSQL server for using this extension
Change directory to directory of this file downloaded for compiling and just type
make && sudo make install
Sometimes it will be useful someting like sudo systemctl restart postgresql
or sudo service postgresql restart
Please carefully read output of sudo make install
for understanding location of tinyint
extension files in PostgreSQL RDBMS directories.
cd /tmp && \
apt install unzip -y && \
apt install postgresql-server-dev-13 -y && \ # or any version
wget && \
unzip && cd tinyint-postgresql-master && \
make && make install && service postgresql restart
For each database you need just execute CREATE EXTENSION tinyint;
Install the extension:
Create a table using tinyint
id tinyint,
val text
Sample outputs of psql
are provided in the ../expected/
field index (BTree) size became very huge (about %150-200 more) comparing to smallint
and enum
fields. So, for this issue, field types can be converted to smallint
and also GIN method can be used instead. But, seems whatever we do, both these methods ain't able to get speed of real integers.
rows | table | x | y | z | x idx | x idx1 | x idx2 | y idx | z idx |
10,512,101 | 364 MB | 10 MB | 20 MB | 40 MB | 226 MB | 70 MB | 18 MB | 85 MB | 70 MB |
Sample script for performance and stored data size tests
create extension tinyint;
create extension btree_gin; -- needed for gin
create type onoff as enum ('on','off');
create table a (x tinyint, y smallint, z onoff);
create index on a (x); -- idx
create index on a using btree((x::smallint)); -- idx1
create index on a using gin((x::smallint)); -- idx2
create index on a (y);
create index on a (z);
do $$ begin
for i in 1..1500000 loop
insert into a(x, y, z)
(random() * 127)::int::tinyint,
(random() * 32767)::smallint,
(case when random() > 0.5 then 'on' else 'off' end)::onoff
end loop;
end; $$
replace(substr(count(*)::money::text, 2), '.00', '') as "rows",
pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size('a')) as "table",
pg_size_pretty(sum(pg_column_size(x))::bigint) as "x",
pg_size_pretty(sum(pg_column_size(y))::bigint) as "y",
pg_size_pretty(sum(pg_column_size(z))::bigint) as "z",
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('a_x_idx')::bigint) as "x idx",
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('a_x_idx1')::bigint) as "x idx1",
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('a_x_idx2')::bigint) as "x idx2",
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('a_y_idx')::bigint) as "y idx",
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('a_z_idx')::bigint) as "z idx"
from a;
select count(*) from a where x = 3 -- uses x idx > btree(tinyint) > 0.0417280197 ms
select count(*) from a where x::smallint = 3 -- uses x idx1 > btree(tinyint::smallint) > 0.1382019521 ms
select count(*) from a where x::smallint = 3 -- uses x idx2 > gin(tinyint::smallint) > 0.1412460804 ms
select count(*) from a where y = 3333 -- uses y idx > btree(smallint) > 0.0051538944 ms
select count(*) from a where z = 'on' -- uses z idx > btree(enum) > 0.4917960167 ms
Postgresql 9.4+
Waiting on Your pull requests ;-)
- Other 1 byte integer data type for PostgreSQL in repository of unsigned integers for PostgreSQL
- Original idea by Hitoshi Harada.
- Advanced tests and source code actualisation by Kerem Güneş.