Hazama is a GUI application for keeping diary, simple and highly customizable. It's developed in Python3 with PySide.
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- Run:
./setup.py build_qt && ./hazama.py
- Install:
./setup.py build_qt && ./setup.py install && hazama
- Build EXE:
./setup.py build_qt && setup.py build_exe && build\hazama.exe
Requirements (Arch Linux ver; AUR also available): python3, python-pyside, python-pyside-tools
Requirements (Ubuntu ver): python3, python3-pyside, pyside-tools, qt4-linguist-tools
EXE packaging requires cx_Freeze
see hazama/ui/customobjects.py
and hazama/ui/customwidgets.py
: simple QSS syntax highlighterDragScrollMixin
: handle Drag & ScrollMultiSortFilterProxyModel
: a heat map that looks like a calendar