README Revision History:
6/12/2015 (JB): initial version
6/13/2015 (JB): added .h format
11/07/2015 (JV): Added Compile and Run.
07/31/2016 (JV): README Github format.
(JV) = Joshua Villasenor
(JB) = Jason Berneberg
-Dowload and install x11 from
-Log out and back in.
-Open command prompt and cd to the Connect Four directory.
% make
% ./ConnectFour
IMPORTANT: The Computer portion of the game has not been implemented and will cause bugs in the program when clicked.
-All code should use 4 space indents and never use tabs.
-Every file should start with a comment that contains the file name.
-Every function made should have a comment before it with file name a a spot for revision history.
-All functions should/files should be cammel case. aka start with lowercase and no underscores.
-All defines should be all caps with underscores.
-All enums will have the suffix Enum in the name. ex: colorEnum
-All structs with have the suffix Struct in the name. ex: rgbStruct
-All code blocks should have the { on the same line as the instruction.
if (1) {
if (1)
function prototypes