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Web application for sending WhatsApp messages to multiple people at once.

Built with Flask and webwhatsapi, this is a small web application that allows a user to automate sending a message to multiple people (whether they are or aren't in your contacts list) with your number. It requires you to scan a QR code from your phone, so preferably use it from a desktop / laptop.

This application is meant primarily for event management - to contact people who have signed up for events for relaying information and reminders. Any usage of this application outside of this usecase is not endorsed, and I will not take responsibility for it.

To setup and run the application

  • Set a secret as an environment variable, or set in a .env.

  • Run docker-compose up --build to build and start the application.

  • The application will be running at localhost:8080.

To send messages

  • Click on the Start button to go to the form.

  • Fill the form according to the following rules

    • Enter a number to which a list of people who got the message and a list of people who couldn't get the message will be sent. The number must be include the country code without the +. For example, if your number is 987654321 and you're from India (+91), then enter 91987654321.

    • Upload a CSV file with three columns (Don't forget to add the column headings, which should be exactly as given)

      • id, which contains a numeric id unique for each entry.

      • name, which contains the name of the person.

      • phone, which contains the number to which the message should be sent. Follow the same format as the logging phone number. It's not necessary for the numbers to be in your contacts list or for you to have an existing chat with them.

    • Enter which IDs from the CSV you want to send the message to. You can either enter the IDs space separated, or just enter all to send to all.

    • Enter the message you want to send. You can use {{name}} as a placeholder which will be replaced by the name in the CSV.

  • Wait for the QR to load on the screen. Once it loads, scan the QR from your phone. The application will wait till you're logged in, and then start sending the messages in the background.


  • Python 49.8%
  • HTML 42.5%
  • CSS 6.1%
  • Dockerfile 1.6%