Raise: TODO
The goal of this project is to ... Raise: TODO
The instructions below will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Data is openly availble from Stanford's ML Lab: https://stanfordmlgroup.github.io/competitions/mura/
Here are two samples of negative and positive data:
Some high level EDA findings:
- asd
- ads
- ads
A list of conda/pip environment dependencies can be found in the environments.yml file. To create a conda env with all of the dependencies run the create_conda_env.sh shell script. We are also using Tensorflow and Keras with GPU support.
- Download the MURA dataset and unzip it into a a location of your chosing.
- Run the shell script env_setup.sh This will create the conda environment that we used to build the model.
- Run the shell script create_ini_files.sh This will create a config.ini file where you will need to put a path to your data. for example my path is: /Users/keil/datasets/mura/
- Run merge_csv.py to create the merged sample and full csv files. two csvs will be created in the sample_data/ directory and two csvs in your MURA data path location.
- Run the data_pipeline.py file and congratz you are where we are! ...
- more to come...
Raise: TODO
- Kyle Shannon
- Chris Chen
- Laura Wilke