Mockingbird is a simple ASP.Net web application that allows developers to quickly create mock endpoints for development and testing. Developers can quickly create new RESTful api endpoints that spit out the same response as the original endpoint after deploying this ASP.Net website on a web server. These are especially useful when downstream applications are unavailable due to maintenance or other failures.
Handler MockRequestsInterceptor does the interception for every requests that comes into this application with the exception for portal. Portal requests are routed even before webapi and are sent to MVC controller to enable adding new endpoints.
// Web API configuration and services
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new MockRequestsInterceptor());
Getting endpoints from datasbase those are started (Active) and request payload matches that of mocked uri and VERB in database
var mockEndpointApiData = _db.MockApiHttpDatas.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApiStatus == ApiStatus.Started
&& x.Verb.ToString() == incomingRequestData.RequestMethod.ToString()
&& x.Path == incomingRequestData.RequestUriPathAndQuery);
Working in a Multi-tent architectures i have found myself blocked by unavailable downstream api endpoints due to maintenance and/or other issues in production and develop environments. Not able to do a complete round of integration testing because of blockers prompted me to cook up this simple web application. I found mocking useful especially in companies with Hybrid SaaS infrastructures where applications are spread over in Cloud and OnPremise. By mocking OnPremise application endpoints, i was able to bridge the broken connectivity to unblock myself. I was also blindsided by frequent api changes on dependency development servers. It is quick to mock up a endpoint and continue with the rest of the development tasks.
You can download this web application and publish it to a web server as it is.