This is the current development place for new RTI/BRDF software developed inside the Computer Science department at the University of Oxford.
If you have a local copy of the git repository, a index.html
file is present. Opening this should load the latest version of the software. Google Chrome is recommended as the WebGL implementation is more performant and standard conform than Firefox.
Just visit our hosted version for the current master.
Zip including the bundled HTML and JavaScript.
- Node.js in a recent version (v8.9.4 tested)
- Npm (>=5.6.0) and npx (>=9.7.1) in a recent version
- Git (in $PATH)
The repository should be ready to go after cloning and npm installing.
git clone
npm install
Then run:
npm start
An oxrti Electron window should open up (tested on MacOS and Windows only).
Or access the webpack dev server inside your browser after:
npm run-script startweb
Then open http://localhost:3000 inside your browser.
If you have a full checkout, some data files are inside the data
directory. Otherwise run
git submodule update --init
to download them.
Please enable the build pre-commit hook
ln -s -f ../../scripts/precommit.js .git/hooks/pre-commit