This project contains non-official locale definitions for Linux.
For official locale definitions compatible with glibc, check This site also contains an installation script in Python for Debian based systems (untested).
Note: all commands need to be run as root.
Ubuntu (tested on 20.04).
- Add the locale definition to the list of supported locales:
echo 'en_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8' >> /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED
- Copy the locale definition file to the locale definitions directory:
cp en_BE /usr/share/i18n/locales/
- Compile the new locale:
localedef -f UTF-8 -i en_BE en_BE.UTF-8
- Add the locale to the list of locales that should be generated:
echo 'en_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8' >> /var/lib/locales/supported.d/en
- Generate locales
locale-gen --purge
Fedora (tested on 43)
- Copy the locale definition file to the locale definitions directory:
cp en_BE /usr/share/i18n/locales/
- Compile the new locale:
localedef -f UTF-8 -i en_BE en_BE.UTF-8
- The above command should add the compiled locale data the archive file /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive.
- en_BE: Copy of fr_BE with the following changes:
- Names of weekdays, months,... in English
- ISO date format (YYYY-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:SS Z, e.g. 2022-03-16T21:48:28 CET)