The app comes with a help window that explains how to use it, but in short, you enter the letters you have and press Submit. The app will produce a list of possible words to use. Note that it very rarely finds the one word you need. These are suggestions, so you're not really cheating (sort of).
This project was originally written in Perl (scrabble-words), then rewritten in Java (scrabble-words-java) and now rewritten in Python 3. My intention is that scrabble-words-java and this project should stay in sync (we'll see).
I was never a Python programmer professionally -- I am self-taught, so there may be different (better) ways to do things. See Bugs, Improvements, Suggestions.
You will need Python 3.10 or above to execute the app. It may run on lower versions, but this is not guaranteed.
You will also need the PyQt6 framework. To install:
pip install PyQt6
To run, go to a command prompt, cd into <installation-directory>/find-words-python
and in Windows:
...or in Linux:
You may also be able to launch these files directly from a file explorer if your system is set up to do so. Windows users may want to create a shortcut.
find-words-python comes with unit testing that you can run from the command line:
cd <installation-directory>/find-words-python/tests
python -m unittest discover -s . -t ..
Suggestions or constructive criticism is welcome. Shoot me an email at knute (at) snortum (dot) net. Or, if you like submit a pull requests.