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The open-source time tracking app for individuals.


Minute is an open-source time tracking app.
In contrast to other time tracking apps, Minute is mainly focused on individual use and is designed to help users review how they spend their time and use it more meaningfully.

Minute - Open source time tracking app for individuals | Product Hunt




Manage your tracked time entries with folders and analyze your recent time usage per folder on the report page. You can also view and edit created folders and time entries anytime from the sidebar.


Group multiple folders into a single category and use them for analysis on the report page. For example, create categories for time you want to reduce and time you want to increase, and use them on the report page.

Custom Charts

Use the created folders and categories to display increases and decreases in time usage on a chart. The items displayed on the chart can be freely customized according to your needs. Reflect on whether your time usage aligns with your ideal.

Built with

Next.jsTailwind CSStRPCPrismaNextAuthnext-intlTurborepoFactoryJS


We always welcome to contributions!
If you want to add new features or fix something, feel free to open a PR or issue.

  • 🐛 Have a feature request or found any bugs? Let us know by creating a New Issue.
  • ✨ Looking for good issues to start contributing? Good issues are labeled with contributors welcome.
  • 💭 Have a question or something to ask? Let us know in Discussions.

Try Minute locally

  1. Clone this repository.
git clone
cd minute
  1. Copy .env.example to .env.
cp packages/prisma/.env.sample packages/prisma/.env
cp apps/web/.env.sample apps/web/.env.local
  1. Visit GitHub Developer Settings and create new OAuth app.

  2. After creation, click the "Generate a new client secret" button and note the "Client ID" and "Client secret" values.

  3. Set required envs in apps/web/.env.local: NEXTAUTH_SECRET, GITHUB_ID and GITHUB_SECRET.

vi apps/web/.env.local

NEXTAUTH_SECRET= # You can create a secure value by executing `openssl rand -base64 32`.
GITHUB_ID= # paste the client ID here.
GITHUB_SECRET= # paste the client secret here.
  1. Install dependencies using pnpm:
pnpm install
  1. Start Docker containers to run the Postgres database:
docker-compose up
  1. Migrate the database and start the development server:
pnpm db:migrate:deploy && pnpm dev
  1. That’s all! 🎉 Try accessing http://localhost:4000/app.
