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Step 1: download and install Node.js and npm version 4.2.6 or newer. This is the current LTS version of Node.

Step 2: clone research-coi project

cd ~/workspace
git clone research-coi

Step 3: install dependecies

cd ~/workspace/research-coi
npm install

If using Oracle:
  npm uninstall mysql
  npm install oracledb --save
  Go through the install process listed for [node-oracle-db](, including drivers.

Step 4: Create Database

For MySQL:
  create database coi;

For Oracle:
  grant create session to coidemo;
  grant create procedure to coidemo;
  grant create table to coidemo;
  grant create sequence to coidemo;
  create tablespace coi ....
  alter user coi default tablespace coi;

Step 5: Create knexfile.js

For MySQL:

module.exports = {
  kc_coi: {
    client: 'mysql',
    connection: {
      database: 'coi',
      user: 'root',
      password: ''
  pool: {
    min: 2,
    max: 20

For Oracle:

module.exports = {
  kc_coi: {
    client: 'oracledb',
    connection: {
      database: '<sid>',
      host: '<host name or ip>',
      port: '1521',
      user: 'COI',
      password: `<password>'

Step 6: Apply Migrations:

This will create the tables and insert bootstrap data needed for the application to run.

node research-coi/node_modules/knex/bin/cli.js --cwd=db/migration --knexfile <replace with knexfile.js path> migrate:latest --env kc_coi

######Step 6.5: Optionally Apply Demo Data node research-coi/node_modules/knex/bin/cli.js --cwd=db/migration --knexfile <replace with knexfile.js path> seed:run --env kc_coi demo

This will add some demonstration data to play with.

Step 7: Configuration Environment Variables:

System configuration for COI is done with environment variables. Environment variables can either be set in the system or added on the command line when starting the application. Below is a list of configuration environment variables

####Environment Configuration Variables COI_PORT : port for the coi app. Default: 8090

DB_PACKAGE : The node db package to use Default: oracledb

DB_HOST : The host name for the database. Default: localhost

DB_PORT : The port for the database. Default: None

DB_USER : The db user name. Default: root

DB_PASSWORD : The password for the db user. Default: None

DB_NAME : the name of the database. Default: coi

CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE : the size of the connection pool. Default: 70

LOCAL_FILE_DESTINATION : file system location to store attachments Default: uploads/

LOG_LEVEL : the log level to use. 0 (Info), 1 (Warn), 2 (Error) Default: 2

DEBUG: The components to generate logs for. Uses the debug package. coi is the app namespace, each module (i.e. a .js file) has a sub namespace, and db modules only have a namespace for each function.

Note: Error level logs will always be displayed independent of this variable.


coi:* - Display all logs generated for the given LOG_LEVEL

coi:ProjectDB:* - Only display logs generated in the project-db.js module

coi:ProjectDB:insertProject - Only display logs generated by the insertProject function in the project-db.js module

coi:ProjectDB:insertProject,coi:DisclosureDB:* - Only display logs from the disclosure-db.js module or the insertProject function

Default: coi:*

TRUST_PROXY : The value to pass to app.set('trust_proxy', ) Default: None

RESEARCH_CORE_URL : The absolute path to the research core application. Used when linking to or calling services from research core. Default:

LANE : Identifies which lane this instance is running in. Options 'tst': Includes features that are actively being developed and have regular commits, volatility in designs, or other types of works in progress 'stg': Includes features that are stable but are undergoing functional review, require additional burn-in time, or need multiple end-user data points 'sbx': Includes features that are stable but are undergoing functional review, require additional burn-in time, or need multiple end-user data points 'prd': Includes only complete features Default: 'prd'

REPORT_USAGE : If, and only if, set to true usage statistics will be sent to segment. Default: false

USE_NULL_AS_DEFAULT : Defaults undefined properties to NULL when inserting new rows. Default: true

COI_HIERARCHY : The name of the research core Sponsor Hierarchy for COI Disclosures. Default: None

###Auth Service

Out of the box our reference implementation of the Kuali Core Auth Service is turned off. Please contact Kuali Core Team to find out more about the Auth Service.

A mock auth service has been provided out of the box. Any username starting with an "a" will be given the admin role, any other name will be given the user role. Users p1 through p500 have been populated with demo data.

Configuration variables to enable the auth service are below.

AUTH_ENABLED : Flag as true if you have an auth service instance you can work with, if not present or false app will use a mock auth service. Default: false

AUTH_URL : The absolute path to the authentication service Default: false

CACHE_MAX : The maximum number of items in the cache. Used by the auth service. Default: 500

CACHE_MAX_AGE : The maximum age in milliseconds for an item to be valid in the cache. Used by the auth service. Default: 60000

COI_ADMIN_ROLE : The research core coi admin role name space and name separated by a colon. Default: KC-COIDISCLOSURE:COI%20Administrator

COI_REVIEWER_ROLE : The research core coi reviewer role name space and name separated by a colon. Default: KC-COIDISCLOSURE:COI%20Reviewer

AUTH_OVER_SSL : If your are sure you want to use the auth service over http set this to false. Default: true

###Notification Service

In Development

Step 8: Run Webpack

npm run webpack

This may take a few minutes. There will likely be some warnings, but there should no errors.

Step 9: Pre-transpile

If you are ok transpiling the code in place run

npm run build

If you would prefer to transpile to another directory, leaving the existing code intact, run this command instead

node build-babel-to.js <the target directory>

Step 10: Start Up Node

If you've transpiled in place run

DB_NAME=<db_name> DB_PACKAGE=<oracledb/mysql> npm run start_prod

If you've transpiled to a different directory run

DB_NAME=<db_name> DB_PACKAGE=<oracledb/mysql> npm run start_prod <the directory>

Step 11: Navigate to hostname:port/coi/