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KubeArmor to protect IoT Edge containerized workloads

Rahul Jadhav edited this page Aug 21, 2022 · 3 revisions

Securing Open Horizon Edge Workloads with KubeArmor

What is Open Horizon?

Open Horizon is a platform for managing the service software lifecycle of containerized workloads and related machine learning assets. It enables autonomous management of applications deployed to distributed webscale fleets of edge computing nodes and devices without requiring on-premise administrators.

How can KubeArmor help?

KubeArmor is a runtime security engine that can protect k8s-orchestrated, or pure containerized workloads as well as VM/Bare-Metal based worloads. Open Horizon deploys the edge workloads in either containerized mode or in k8s orchestrated mode. The Open Horizon Edge Agent operates directly on the host as a systemd process.

KubeArmor running on edge node provides visibility and protection for all the processes, file or network operation in the containers as well as those running directly on the host.

Observability: KubeArmor can provide container-aware observability information about the operations happening:

  1. from Agent node to Management Hub (and vice-versa)
  2. between the containers and the agent edge node
  3. inside the containers running on the Agent node

Enforcement: KubeArmor can be used to apply security postures at the kernel-level (using LSMs like AppArmor, BPF-LSM). It can protect both the host and workloads running on it by enforcing either some predefined security policies or automatically generated least permissive security policies (using Discovery Engine).

KubeArmor already supports k8s-orchestrated workloads and provides KVMService that allows orchestrating security policies to VMs for non-k8s environments.
With v0.5.5 release, KubeArmor now supports standalone un-orchestrated containers. KubeArmor in this mode supports both enforcement and observability of the host and the containers running on it.

KubeArmor on Open Horizon

Note This guide assumes both the Open Horizon Management Hub and Agent VM are running Ubuntu 20.04.
We will first need to install Open Horizon Management Hub and Agent node components. For that please follow the Open Horizon setup guide.
We also assume that Open Horizon Home Assistant service is running on the agent edge node.

Now we will run KubeArmor as a systemd process on the Open Horizon Agent VM

Installation KubeArmor, kArmor and Discovery Engine

  • KubeArmor Installation:
  1. Download the latest release of KubeArmor
  1. Install KubeArmor
sudo apt install ./kubearmor_0.5.5_linux-amd64.deb

Note that the above automatically installs bpfcc-tools with our package, but your distribution might have an older version of BCC. In case of errors, consider installing bcc from source.

  1. Start KubeArmor
sudo systemctl start kubearmor
  1. To check KubeArmor running status
sudo journalctl -u kubearmor -f
  • kArmor Installation:

Note kArmor should already be installed by the above KubeArmor installation. Check installation using karmor version.

If kArmor is not installed run:

curl -sfL | sudo sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin
  • Discovery Engine Installation:
  1. Download the latest release of Discovery Engine
  1. Install Discovery Engine
sudo apt install ./knoxAutoPolicy_0.6.3_linux-amd64.deb
  1. Start Discovery Engine
sudo systemctl daemon-reload  
sudo systemctl start knoxAutoPolicy

If you have previously installed discovery-engine, it's adviced to restart the service sudo systemctl restart knoxAutoPolicy

  1. To check Discovery Engine running status
sudo journalctl -u knoxAutoPolicy -f
  1. To see alerts on policy violation, run:
karmor log
  1. Now, let’s apply a sample policy: block-secrets-access.yaml using:
karmor vm policy add block-secrets-access.yaml
kind: KubeArmorPolicy
  name: block-certificates-access
  severity: 10
  message: "a critical file was accessed"
    matchLabels: homeassistant
      - path: /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates
    - dir: /usr/share/ca-certificates/
      recursive: true
    - dir: /etc/ssl/
      recursive: true

Note: More predefined policies and auto-discovered policy can be found here:

Here notice the field homeassistant homeassistant is the container name to which we want to apply the policy.

karmor log
HostName: knownymousagent-VirtualBox
NamespaceName: container_namespace
PodName: homeassistant
ContainerName: homeassistant
ContainerID: 77c3916a24f74915cd7d2eb51ff6a2425c3b4d6e72b805f735800d023d355338
Type: MatchedPolicy
PolicyName: block-certificates-access
Severity: 10
Message: a critical file was accessed
Source: /bin/bash
Resource: /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates
Operation: Process
Action: Block
Data: syscall=SYS_EXECVE
Enforcer: AppArmor
Result: Permission denied
HostPID: 4922
HostPPID: 4912
PID: 116
PPID: 110
ParentProcessName: /bin/bash
ProcessName: /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates
Available filters
--logFilter <system|policy|all> - Filter to receive general system logs (system) or alerts on policy violation (policy) or both (all).
--logType <ContainerLog|HostLog> - Source of logs - ContainerLog: logs from containers or HostLog: logs from the host
--operation <Process|File|Network> - Type of logs based on process, file or network
--container - Specify container name to view container specific logs

This will create an apparmor profile at /etc/apparmor.d/ with the name kubearmor_<containername> (kubearmor_homeassistant here) and will load the profile to apparmor.

Apply the apparmor profile to the desired container

To run a container with KubeArmor enforcement using the apparmor profile kubearmor_homeassistant, pass --security-opt apparmor=kubearmor_homeassistant with the docker run command or if using docker-compose add:security_opts: apparmor=kubearmor_homeassistant under the container name in the docker-compose.yaml.

Auto discover least permissive security policy

karmor discover tool can be used to automatically generate security policies. The output of the command can be redirected to a yaml file

karmor discover --format yaml --labels "" > discovered_policy.yaml

This yaml file can be applied to KubeArmor to provide least permissive security posture for the homeassistant-service container.

To apply security policy discovered_policy.yaml

karmor vm policy add discovered_policy.yaml

Note: Host security policies are identified by kind: KubeArmorHostPolicy and Container security policies have kind: KubeArmorPolicy.

accuknox summary

To check the internal functioning of the containers and the Host, we have command line utility option

accuknox summary


Pod Name :  

Namespace :  

List of Processes (14) :

SOURCE                            DESTINATION         COUNT  LAST UPDATED TIME   STATUS  
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd          /bin/*              1      8-05-2022 23:11:23  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd          /usr/*              2      8-05-2022 23:11:23  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/sshd                    /usr/*              5      8-06-2022 00:13:29  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd    /lib/*              4      8-05-2022 23:59:37  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd               /usr/*              2      8-05-2022 23:59:46  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/dockerd                  /usr/*              16     8-05-2022 23:59:45  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/dockerd                  /proc/*             2      8-05-2022 23:59:50  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                     /proc/*             5      8-05-2022 23:59:49  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/bash                     /usr/*              24     8-06-2022 00:04:14  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/bash                     ./accuknox summary  10     8-06-2022 00:09:45  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2  /usr/*              7      8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/firefox/firefox          /usr/*              3      8-05-2022 23:11:32  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/cron                    /bin/*              4      8-05-2022 23:40:06  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/udisks2/udisksd          /usr/*              4      8-05-2022 23:59:48  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/run-parts                /etc/*              7      8-06-2022 00:12:25  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/run-parts                /usr/*              1      8-06-2022 00:12:28  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/make                     /usr/*              15     8-06-2022 00:04:14  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/make                     /bin/*              3      8-05-2022 23:59:35  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/dash                     /usr/*              40     8-06-2022 00:12:28  ALLOW   

List of File-system accesses (50) :

SOURCE                                                           DESTINATION  COUNT    LAST UPDATED TIME   STATUS  
/usr/bin/logger                                                  /usr/*       39       8-05-2022 23:40:07  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/logger                                                  /etc/*       3        8-05-2022 23:40:07  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/cut                                                     /usr/*       9        8-06-2022 00:12:25  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/cut                                                     /etc/*       4        8-06-2022 00:12:25  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/jq                                                      /usr/*       16       8-05-2022 23:40:10  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/jq                                                      /etc/*       4        8-05-2022 23:40:09  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/env                                                     /usr/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:22  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/env                                                     /etc/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:22  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/85-fwupd                                      /usr/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:23  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/85-fwupd                                      /etc/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:23  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl                                  /usr/*       148      8-05-2022 23:59:42  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl                                  /etc/*       42       8-05-2022 23:59:42  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl                                  /proc/*      30       8-05-2022 23:59:42  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl                                  /            20       8-06-2022 00:01:33  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl                                  usr          11       8-06-2022 00:01:33  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl                                  local        4        8-05-2022 23:59:40  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl                                  lib          16       8-06-2022 00:01:33  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl                                  etc          4        8-05-2022 23:59:40  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl                                  sysctl.d     12       8-05-2022 23:59:41  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl                                  run          4        8-05-2022 23:59:40  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/docker-proxy                                            /etc/*       4        8-05-2022 23:59:45  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/docker-proxy                                            /usr/*       9        8-06-2022 00:00:00  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/docker-proxy                                            /sys/*       4        8-05-2022 23:59:45  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/docker-proxy                                            /proc/*      4        8-05-2022 23:59:45  ALLOW   
/proc/877/exe                                                    /usr/*       32       8-05-2022 23:59:49  ALLOW   
/proc/877/exe                                                    /etc/*       15       8-06-2022 00:01:36  ALLOW   
/proc/877/exe                                                    /proc/*      6        8-05-2022 23:59:50  ALLOW   
/proc/877/exe                                                    /sys/*       2        8-05-2022 23:59:49  ALLOW   
/proc/877/exe                                                    /run/*       4        8-05-2022 23:59:49  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/cat                                                     /usr/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/cat                                                     /etc/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/cat                                                     /run/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/cat                                                     /var/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/usr/horizon/bin/                           /etc/*       4        8-05-2022 23:40:07  ALLOW   
/usr/horizon/bin/                           /usr/*       22       8-05-2022 23:40:07  ALLOW   
/usr/horizon/bin/                           /dev/*       4        8-05-2022 23:40:07  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/dirname                                                 /usr/*       7        8-05-2022 23:40:08  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/dirname                                                 /etc/*       4        8-05-2022 23:40:08  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/50-motd-news                                  /etc/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:23  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/iptables                                               /usr/*       95       8-05-2022 23:59:45  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/iptables                                               /etc/*       72       8-05-2022 23:59:45  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/iptables                                               /run/*       11       8-05-2022 23:59:44  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2                                 /sys/*       6        8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2                                 /usr/*       6        8-05-2022 23:59:46  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2                                 /run/*       27       8-05-2022 23:59:51  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2                                 /proc/*      41       8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2                                 /dev/*       9        8-06-2022 00:01:38  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2                                 log          2        8-05-2022 23:59:46  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2                                 /var/*       12       8-06-2022 00:01:37  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2                                 /memory/*    4        8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2                                 /tmp/*       5        8-05-2022 23:34:26  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                                                    /etc/*       5        8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                                                    /usr/*       20       8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                                                    /sys/*       5        8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                                                    /proc/*      30       8-06-2022 00:01:38  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                                                    /run/*       18       8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                                                    /fs/*        2        8-05-2022 23:59:47  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                                                    /var/*       2        8-05-2022 23:59:47  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                                                    /tmp/*       1        8-05-2022 23:34:23  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                                                    /dev/*       3        8-05-2022 23:34:23  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/curl                                                    /usr/*       111      8-06-2022 00:04:16  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/curl                                                    /etc/*       6        8-06-2022 00:04:16  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/id                                                      /usr/*       3        8-06-2022 00:12:28  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/id                                                      /proc/*      1        8-06-2022 00:12:28  ALLOW   
/proc/self/exe                                                   /etc/*       26       8-05-2022 23:59:51  ALLOW   
/proc/self/exe                                                   /proc/*      17       8-05-2022 23:59:51  ALLOW   
/proc/self/exe                                                   /run/*       12       8-06-2022 00:01:36  ALLOW   
/proc/self/exe                                                   /usr/*       57       8-05-2022 23:59:51  ALLOW   
/proc/self/exe                                                   /var/*       3        8-05-2022 23:59:47  ALLOW   
/proc/self/exe                                                   /sys/*       3        8-05-2022 23:59:51  ALLOW   
/proc/self/exe                                                   /docker/*    2        8-05-2022 23:59:51  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/firefox/firefox                                         /etc/*       3        8-05-2022 23:11:33  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/firefox/firefox                                         /usr/*       19       8-05-2022 23:11:33  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/firefox/firefox                                         /proc/*      4        8-05-2022 23:11:29  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/xprop                                                   /usr/*       15       8-05-2022 23:59:54  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/xprop                                                   /etc/*       2        8-05-2022 23:59:54  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/date                                                    /usr/*       12       8-05-2022 23:40:10  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/date                                                    /etc/*       4        8-05-2022 23:40:10  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/dumpe2fs                                               /etc/*       27       8-05-2022 23:59:48  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/dumpe2fs                                               /usr/*       26       8-05-2022 23:59:48  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/dumpe2fs                                               /dev/*       3        8-05-2022 23:59:48  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/egrep                                                   /usr/*       1        8-05-2022 23:59:55  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/egrep                                                   /etc/*       1        8-05-2022 23:59:55  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/grep                                                   /usr/*       1        8-05-2022 23:59:56  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt                                     /proc/*      5        8-06-2022 00:13:33          
/usr/bin/docker                                                  /etc/*       34       8-05-2022 23:59:36  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/docker                                                  /usr/*       32       8-05-2022 23:59:36  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/docker                                                  /sys/*       14       8-05-2022 23:59:36  ALLOW   
/bin/sh                                                          /etc/*       10       8-06-2022 00:12:22  ALLOW   
/bin/sh                                                          /usr/*       10       8-06-2022 00:12:22  ALLOW   
/bin/sh                                                          /dev/*       2        8-05-2022 23:59:35  ALLOW   
/bin/sh                                                          /run/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:22  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/which                                                   /usr/*       4        8-05-2022 23:11:23  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/which                                                   /etc/*       2        8-05-2022 23:11:23  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/88-esm-announce                               /usr/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/88-esm-announce                               /etc/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text                                  /usr/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:23  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text                                  /etc/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:23  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/find                                                    /usr/*       7        8-06-2022 00:12:25  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/find                                                    /etc/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/find                                                    /proc/*      1        8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/find                                                    .            1        8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/91-contract-ua-esm-status                     /usr/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:25  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/91-contract-ua-esm-status                     /etc/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:25  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/lsb_release                                             /usr/*       132      8-06-2022 00:12:28  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/lsb_release                                             /etc/*       5        8-06-2022 00:12:26  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/grep                                                    /etc/*       25       8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/grep                                                    /usr/*       61       8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/www-browser                                             /etc/*       2        8-06-2022 00:00:00  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/www-browser                                             /usr/*       14       8-06-2022 00:00:00  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/www-browser                                             /home/*      4        8-06-2022 00:00:50  ALLOW   
/home/knownymous-agent/accuknox-cli/accuknox                     /sys/*       10       8-06-2022 00:09:45  ALLOW   
/home/knownymous-agent/accuknox-cli/accuknox                     /home/*      9        8-06-2022 00:09:45  ALLOW   
/home/knownymous-agent/accuknox-cli/accuknox                     /usr/*       10       8-06-2022 00:09:45  ALLOW   
/home/knownymous-agent/accuknox-cli/accuknox                     /etc/*       26       8-06-2022 00:09:45  ALLOW   
/home/knownymous-agent/accuknox-cli/accuknox                     /run/*       9        8-06-2022 00:09:45  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/dbus-send                                               /usr/*       9        8-05-2022 23:59:53  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/dbus-send                                               /etc/*       1        8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/run-parts                                               /etc/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:22  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/run-parts                                               /usr/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:23  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/00-header                                     /etc/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:23  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/release-upgrade-motd            /usr/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:28  ALLOW   
/usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/release-upgrade-motd            /etc/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:28  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/uname                                                   /usr/*       17       8-06-2022 00:12:23  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/uname                                                   /etc/*       10       8-06-2022 00:12:23  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/xdg-open                                                /etc/*       2        8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/xdg-open                                                /usr/*       4        8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/xdg-open                                                /dev/*       2        8-05-2022 23:11:34  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/hzn                                                     /sys/*       4        8-05-2022 23:40:08  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/hzn                                                     /etc/*       20       8-05-2022 23:40:09  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/hzn                                                     /usr/*       8        8-05-2022 23:40:09  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/hzn                                                     /run/*       4        8-05-2022 23:40:09  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/90-updates-available                          /etc/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/90-updates-available                          /usr/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:24  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade                            /usr/*       1        8-06-2022 00:12:25  ALLOW   
/etc/update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade                            /etc/*       2        8-06-2022 00:12:25  ALLOW   
/home/knownymous-agent/auto-policy-discovery/src/knoxAutoPolicy  /home/*      3003176  8-06-2022 00:13:57  ALLOW   
/home/knownymous-agent/auto-policy-discovery/src/knoxAutoPolicy  /sys/*       2        8-06-2022 00:00:49  ALLOW   
/home/knownymous-agent/auto-policy-discovery/src/knoxAutoPolicy  /proc/*      1        8-06-2022 00:01:48  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/gio                                                     /usr/*       41       8-05-2022 23:11:23  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/gio                                                     /etc/*       6        8-05-2022 23:11:22  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/gio                                                     /proc/*      2        8-05-2022 23:11:22  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/gio                                                     /home/*      1        8-05-2022 23:11:22  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/gio                                                     /var/*       2        8-05-2022 23:11:22  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/sshd                                                   /usr/*       215      8-06-2022 00:13:31  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/sshd                                                   /etc/*       351      8-06-2022 00:13:31  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/sshd                                                   /dev/*       21       8-06-2022 00:13:30  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/sshd                                                   /proc/*      24       8-06-2022 00:13:31  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/sshd                                                   /run/*       12       8-06-2022 00:13:31  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/make                                                    /usr/*       18       8-06-2022 00:04:14  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/make                                                    /home/*      12       8-06-2022 00:04:14  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/make                                                    /etc/*       5        8-06-2022 00:04:14  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/firefox                                                 /usr/*       2        8-05-2022 23:11:23  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/firefox                                                 /etc/*       1        8-05-2022 23:11:23  ALLOW   

List of Network connections (18) :

SOURCE                                        Protocol  COUNT  LAST UPDATED TIME   STATUS  
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl               UDP       4      8-05-2022 23:59:40  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/docker-proxy                         TCP       11     8-06-2022 00:04:17  ALLOW   
/proc/self/exe                                TCP       10     8-06-2022 00:01:36  ALLOW   
/proc/self/exe                                UDP       6      8-06-2022 00:01:37  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/logger                               UDP       4      8-05-2022 23:40:07  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/dumpe2fs                            TCP       40     8-06-2022 00:01:35  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/dbus-send                            TCP       1      8-05-2022 23:59:53  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/curl                                 UDP       3      8-06-2022 00:04:16  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/curl                                 TCP       3      8-06-2022 00:04:16  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/docker                               TCP       31     8-06-2022 00:01:32  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2              TCP       5      8-05-2022 23:59:52  ALLOW   
/proc/877/exe                                 TCP       11     8-06-2022 00:01:36  ALLOW   
/proc/877/exe                                 UDP       5      8-06-2022 00:01:36  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                                 TCP       1      8-05-2022 23:34:23  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/www-browser                          TCP       5      8-06-2022 00:01:39  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/sshd                                TCP       100    8-06-2022 00:13:58  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/sshd                                RAW       56     8-06-2022 00:13:58  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/sshd                                UDP       21     8-06-2022 00:13:31  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/lsb_release                          TCP       1      8-06-2022 00:12:26  ALLOW   
/usr/sbin/iptables                            RAW       53     8-06-2022 00:01:35  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/gio                                  TCP       1      8-05-2022 23:11:23  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/hzn                                  TCP       14     8-05-2022 23:40:32  ALLOW   
/home/knownymous-agent/accuknox-cli/accuknox  TCP       8      8-06-2022 00:09:45  ALLOW   

List of Incoming connections (4) :

PROTOCOL  COMMAND                                                          IP/PATH       PORT  LABELS  NAMESPACE  
TCP       /usr/horizon/bin/anax                                       8510                     
TCPv6     /home/knownymous-agent/auto-policy-discovery/src/knoxAutoPolicy     9089                     
TCP       /usr/bin/docker-proxy                                       8123                     
TCP       /usr/sbin/sshd                                           22                       

List of Outgoing connections (22) :

PROTOCOL  COMMAND                                       IP/PATH                                       PORT  LABELS  NAMESPACE  
UNIX      /usr/bin/docker                               /var/run/docker.sock                                                   
UNIX      /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl               /run/systemd/journal/socket                                            
UNIX      /proc/877/exe                                 /run/systemd/userdb/io.systemd.DynamicUser                             
UNIX      /proc/877/exe                                 /run/systemd/journal/socket                                            
UNIX      /proc/877/exe                                 /var/run/docker/libnetwork/6b49694abdc5.sock                           
UNIX      /proc/self/exe                                /run/systemd/userdb/io.systemd.DynamicUser                             
UNIX      /proc/self/exe                                /run/systemd/journal/socket                                            
UNIX      /usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2              /run/containerd/containerd.sock.ttrpc                                  
UNIX      /usr/bin/gio                                  /run/user/1000/bus                                                     
UNIX      /usr/bin/logger                               /dev/log                                                               
TCP       /usr/bin/hzn                                                             8510                     
TCP       /home/knownymous-agent/accuknox-cli/accuknox                                     9089                     
TCP       /usr/sbin/NetworkManager                                             80                       
UNIX      /usr/bin/runc                                 /tmp/pty2330463424/pty.sock                                            
TCP       /usr/sbin/NetworkManager                                             80                       
UNIX      /usr/bin/dbus-send                            /run/user/1000/bus                                                     
TCP       /usr/bin/www-browser                                                     8123                     
TCP       /usr/bin/docker-proxy                                                   8123                     
TCP       /usr/bin/curl                                                            8123                     
UNIX      /usr/sbin/sshd                                /run/systemd/userdb/io.systemd.DynamicUser                             
UNIX      /usr/sbin/sshd                                /dev/log                                                               
UNIX      /usr/sbin/sshd                                /run/dbus/system_bus_socket                                            


Pod Name :  homeassistant

Namespace :  

List of Processes (15) :

SOURCE                                                         DESTINATION  COUNT  LAST UPDATED TIME   STATUS  
/package/admin/s6-                   /package/*   5      8-06-2022 00:00:08  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                   /run/*       1      8-05-2022 23:59:58  ALLOW   
/bin/busybox                                                   /command/*   26     8-06-2022 00:00:10  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                ./run        3      8-06-2022 00:00:08  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                /package/*   6      8-06-2022 00:00:05  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                /command/*   3      8-06-2022 00:00:10  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                /bin/*       1      8-06-2022 00:00:10  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                /usr/*       2      8-06-2022 00:00:11  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-rc-                     /package/*   11     8-06-2022 00:00:07  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                   /package/*   1      8-06-2022 00:00:10  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-               /package/*   6      8-06-2022 00:00:07  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                    /package/*   6      8-06-2022 00:00:07  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-overlay-  /command/*   1      8-06-2022 00:00:06  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6/command/s6-svscan                            /run/*       1      8-05-2022 23:11:29  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2                               /package/*   2      8-05-2022 23:59:57  ALLOW   
/usr/bin/runc                                                  /bin/*       1      8-05-2022 23:34:26  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                /package/*   1      8-06-2022 00:00:04  ALLOW   
/package/admin/execline-                 /command/*   2      8-06-2022 00:00:09  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-rc-                /package/*   1      8-06-2022 00:00:03  ALLOW   
/bin/bash                                                      /usr/*       3      8-06-2022 00:00:10  ALLOW   

List of File-system accesses (28) :

SOURCE                                                            DESTINATION  COUNT  LAST UPDATED TIME   STATUS  
/package/admin/s6/command/s6-svscan                               /dev/*       2      8-05-2022 23:59:57  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6/command/s6-svscan                               /run/*       10     8-05-2022 23:59:58  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-overlay-            /package/*   7      8-06-2022 00:00:10  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-overlay-            /dev/*       7      8-06-2022 00:00:09  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-overlay-            /run/*       3      8-06-2022 00:00:09  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6/command/s6-ipcserver-socketbinder               /run/*       1      8-06-2022 00:00:05  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-linux-init-        /run/*       20     8-05-2022 23:59:57  ALLOW   
/run/s6/basedir/scripts/rc.init                                   /run/*       2      8-05-2022 23:59:58  ALLOW   
/command/printcontenv                                             /dev/*       1      8-05-2022 23:59:58  ALLOW   
/command/printcontenv                                             /package/*   1      8-05-2022 23:59:58  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                         /run/*       1      8-06-2022 00:00:04  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                   /run/*       1      8-06-2022 00:00:08  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-rc-                        /run/*       12     8-06-2022 00:01:40  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-rc/command/s6-rc-oneshot-run                    /run/*       12     8-06-2022 00:00:07  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-portable-utils-            /dev/*       3      8-06-2022 00:00:08  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-portable-utils-            /etc/*       1      8-06-2022 00:00:06  ALLOW   
/run/s6/legacy-services/home-assistant/run                        /package/*   1      8-06-2022 00:00:08  ALLOW   
/usr/local/bin/python3.10                                         /usr/*       1986   8-06-2022 00:02:00  ALLOW   
/usr/local/bin/python3.10                                         /sys/*       1      8-06-2022 00:00:12  ALLOW   
/usr/local/bin/python3.10                                         /proc/*      1      8-06-2022 00:00:12  ALLOW   
/usr/local/bin/python3.10                                         /config      3      8-06-2022 00:01:48  ALLOW   
/usr/local/bin/python3.10                                         /lib/*       4      8-06-2022 00:00:28  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-rc-                   /run/*       69     8-06-2022 00:00:03  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-overlay-     /package/*   1      8-06-2022 00:00:06  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-overlay-   /package/*   1      8-06-2022 00:00:07  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-rc-                /etc/*       8      8-05-2022 23:59:58  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-rc-                /package/*   37     8-05-2022 23:59:59  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-rc-                /run/*       33     8-06-2022 00:00:01  ALLOW   
/bin/bash                                                         /proc/*      3      8-05-2022 23:34:26  ALLOW   
/bin/bash                                                         /etc/*       10     8-06-2022 00:00:10  ALLOW   
/bin/bash                                                         /usr/*       34     8-06-2022 00:00:11  ALLOW   
/bin/bash                                                         /dev/*       2      8-06-2022 00:00:10  ALLOW   
/bin/bash                                                         /run/*       1      8-06-2022 00:00:11  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                   /run/*       1      8-06-2022 00:00:04  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-overlay-     /package/*   1      8-06-2022 00:00:06  ALLOW   
/run/service/s6-linux-init-shutdownd/run                          /run/*       1      8-05-2022 23:11:30  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6/command/s6-ftrigrd                              /run/*       12     8-06-2022 00:00:10  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                   /run/*       46     8-06-2022 00:00:09  ALLOW   
./stage                                                           /run/*       5      8-05-2022 23:59:58  ALLOW   
/run/s6-rc:s6-rc-init:oPcBnl/servicedirs/s6rc-oneshot-runner/run  /run/*       1      8-06-2022 00:00:05  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-                      /run/*       7      8-06-2022 00:00:09  ALLOW   
/command/bashio                                                   /run/*       6      8-06-2022 00:00:10  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-portable-utils-      /etc/*       3      8-06-2022 00:00:08  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-portable-utils-      /run/*       2      8-06-2022 00:00:08  ALLOW   

List of Network connections (2) :

SOURCE                                               Protocol  COUNT  LAST UPDATED TIME   STATUS  
/package/admin/s6/command/s6-ipcserver-socketbinder  TCP       1      8-06-2022 00:00:05  ALLOW   
/package/admin/s6-      TCP       3      8-06-2022 00:00:07  ALLOW   

List of Incoming connections (1) :

TCP       /usr/local/bin/python3.10  8123                     

List of Outgoing connections (2) :

PROTOCOL  COMMAND                                          IP/PATH                                       PORT  LABELS  NAMESPACE  
UNIX      /package/admin/s6-      /run/s6-rc/servicedirs/s6rc-oneshot-runner/s                           
UNIX      /package/admin/s6-  /run/s6-rc/servicedirs/s6rc-oneshot-runner/s                           

It displays information about the processes running, file accesses and network connections made in both the containers and the Host. This information can then be used to apply predefined security policies.

Uninstall KubeArmor, kArmor and Discovery Engine

We will first stop the KubeArmor and Discovery Engine system service and then will uninstall the packages.

sudo systemctl stop kubearmor knoxAutoPolicy
sudo apt remove --purge kubearmor knoxautopolicy karmor
Clone this wiki locally