This Helm chart installs KubeDiag in a Kubernetes cluster.
Please make sure the enviroment for installing KubeDiag fulfills the following requirements:
- Kubernetes 1.16+
- Helm 3.0+
- Cert Manager 1.0+
Run the following command to install KubeDiag via Helm:
helm repo add kubediag
helm repo update
helm install kubediag kubediag/kubediag-helm --create-namespace --namespace kubediag
Prometheus operator related resources are disabled by default. To enable related monitors, specify the '--set' flag when install kubediag (Before this step, make sure you have deployed prometheus operator):
helm install kubediag kubediag/kubediag-helm --create-namespace --namespace kubediag --set prometheus.serviceMonitor.selfMonitor=true
Check the status of KubeDiag by running the command:
kubectl get all --namespace kubediag
Run the following command to uninstall KubeDiag via Helm:
helm uninstall --namespace kubediag kubediag