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A simple daemon for connecting Falco to your ecosystem. It takes a Falco's events and forward them to different outputs in a fan-out way.

It works as a single endpoint for as many as you want Falco instances :



Falcosidekick manages a large variety of outputs with different purposes.


Metrics / Observability



Object Storage

FaaS / Serverless

Message queue / Streaming


  • SMTP


  • Webhook
  • Node-RED
  • WebUI (a Web UI for displaying latest events in real time)





Run the daemon as any other daemon in your architecture (systemd, k8s daemonset, swarm service, ...)

With docker

docker run -d -p 2801:2801 -e SLACK_WEBHOOKURL=XXXX -e DATADOG_APIKEY=XXXX falcosecurity/falcosidekick

With Helm


helm repo add falcosecurity
helm repo update

helm install falcosidekick --set config.debug=true falcosecurity/falcosidekick

Falco's config

with falco.yaml

If managing falco.yaml manually, set this:

json_output: true
json_include_output_property: true
  enabled: true
  url: "http://localhost:2801/"

with Helm

If installing falco with Helm, set this (adapted to your environment) in your values.yaml :

jsonOutput: true
jsonIncludeOutputProperty: true
  enabled: true
  url: "http://falcosidekick:2801/"


jsonOutput: true
jsonIncludeOutputProperty: true
  enabled: true
  keepAlive: false
  program: "curl -d @- falcosidekick:2801/"


Configuration is made by file (yaml) and env vars, both can be used but env vars override values from file.


See config_example.yaml :

#listenaddress: "" # ip address to bind falcosidekick to (default: "" meaning all addresses)
#listenport: 2801 # port to listen for daemon (default: 2801)
debug: false # if true all outputs will print in stdout the payload they send (default: false)
customfields: # custom fields are added to falco events, if the value starts with % the relative env var is used
  # Akey: "AValue"
  # Bkey: "BValue"
  # Ckey: "CValue"
templatedfields: # templated fields are added to falco events and metrics, it uses Go template + output_fields values
  # Dkey: '{{ or (index . "") "bar" }}'
# bracketreplacer: "_" # if not empty, replace the brackets in keys of Output Fields
mutualtlsfilespath: "/etc/certs" # folder which will used to store client.crt, client.key and ca.crt files for mutual tls (default: "/etc/certs")

  webhookurl: "" # Slack WebhookURL (ex:, if not empty, Slack output is enabled
  #channel: "" # Slack channel (optionnal)
  #footer: "" # Slack footer
  #icon: "" # Slack icon (avatar)
  #username: "" # Slack username (default: Falcosidekick)
  outputformat: "all" # all (default), text, fields
  minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  messageformat: 'Alert : rule *{{ .Rule }}* triggered by user *{{ index
    .OutputFields "" }}*' # a Go template to format Slack Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from `SLACK_OUTPUTFORMAT`, see [Slack Message Formatting](#slack-message-formatting) in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment.

  webhookurl: "" # Rocketchat WebhookURL (ex: http://XXXX/hooks/YYYY), if not empty, Rocketchat output is enabled
  #icon: "" # Rocketchat icon (avatar)
  #username: "" # Rocketchat username (default: Falcosidekick)
  outputformat: "all" # all (default), text, fields
  minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # messageformat: "Alert : rule *{{ .Rule }}* triggered by user *{{ index .OutputFields \"\" }}*" # a Go template to format Rocketchat Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from `ROCKETCHAT_OUTPUTFORMAT`, see [Slack Message Formatting](#slack-message-formatting) in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment.
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)

  webhookurl: "" # Mattermost WebhookURL (ex: http://XXXX/hooks/YYYY), if not empty, Mattermost output is enabled
  #footer: "" # Mattermost footer
  #icon: "" # Mattermost icon (avatar)
  #username: "" # Mattermost username (default: Falcosidekick)
  outputformat: "all" # all (default), text, fields
  minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # messageformat: "Alert : rule **{{ .Rule }}** triggered by user **{{ index .OutputFields \"\" }}**" # a Go template to format Mattermost Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from `MATTERMOST_OUTPUTFORMAT`, see [Slack Message Formatting](#slack-message-formatting) in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment.
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)

  webhookurl: "" # Teams WebhookURL (ex:, if not empty, Teams output is enabled
  #activityimage: "" # Image for message section
  outputformat: "text" # all (default), text, facts
  minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  # apikey: "" # Datadog API Key, if not empty, Datadog output is enabled
  # host: "" # Datadog host. Override if you are on the Datadog EU site. Defaults to american site with ""
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  # hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Alertmanager output is enabled
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  # endpoint: "" # alertmanager endpoint for posting alerts: "/api/v1/alerts" or "/api/v2/alerts" (default: "/api/v1/alerts")
  # expiresafter: "" if set to a non-zero value, alert expires after that time in seconds (default: 0)
  # extralabels: "" # comma separated list of labels composed of a ':' separated name and value that is added to the Alerts. Example: my_label_1:my_value_1, my_label_1:my_value_2
  # extraannotations: "" # comma separated list of annotations composed of a ':' separated name and value that is added to the Alerts. Example: my_annotation_1:my_value_1, my_annotation_1:my_value_2

  # hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Elasticsearch output is enabled
  # index: "falco" # index (default: falco)
  # type: "_doc"
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # suffix: "daily" # date suffix for index rotation : daily (default), monthly, annually, none
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  # username: "" # use this username to authenticate to Elasticsearch if the username is not empty (default: "")
  # password: "" # use this password to authenticate to Elasticsearch if the password is not empty (default: "")
  # customHeaders: # Custom headers to add in POST, useful for Authentication
  #   key: value

  # hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Influxdb output is enabled
  # database: "falco" # Influxdb database (api v1 only) (default: falco)
  # organization: "" # Influxdb organization
  # bucket: "falco" # Metrics bucket (default: falco)
  # precision: "ns" # Write precision
  # user: "" # user to use if auth is enabled in Influxdb
  # password: "" # pasword to use if auth is enabled in Influxdb
  # token: "" # API token to use if auth in enabled in Influxdb (disables user and password)
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)

  # hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Loki output is enabled
  # user: "" # user for Grafana Logs
  # apikey: "" # API Key for Grafana Logs
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  # tenant: "" # Add the tenant header if needed. Enabled if not empty
  # endpoint: "/api/prom/push" # The endpoint URL path, default is "/api/prom/push" more info :
  # extralabels: "" # comma separated list of fields to use as labels additionally to rule, source, priority, tags and custom_fields
  # customHeaders: # Custom headers to add in POST, useful for Authentication
  #   key: value

  # hostport: "" # nats://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, STAN output is enabled
  # clusterid: "" # Cluster name, if not empty, STAN output is enabled
  # clientid: "" # Client ID, if not empty, STAN output is enabled
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)

  # hostport: "" # nats://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, NATS output is enabled
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)

  # accesskeyid: "" # aws access key (optional if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
  # secretaccesskey: "" # aws secret access key (optional if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
  # region : "" # aws region (by default, the metadata are used to get it)
  # rolearn: "" # aws role to assume (optional if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
  # externalid: "" # external id for the role to assume (optional if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
  # checkidentity: true # check the identity credentials, set to false for locale developments (default: true)
    # functionname : "" # Lambda function name, if not empty, AWS Lambda output is enabled
    # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
    # url : "" # SQS Queue URL, if not empty, AWS SQS output is enabled
    # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
    # topicarn : "" # SNS TopicArn, if not empty, AWS SNS output is enabled
    rawjson: false # Send Raw JSON or parse it (default: false)
    # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
    # loggroup : "" #  AWS CloudWatch Logs Group name, if not empty, CloudWatch Logs output is enabled
    # logstream : "" # AWS CloudWatch Logs Stream name, if empty, Falcosidekick will try to create a log stream
    # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
    # bucket: "falcosidekick" # AWS S3, bucket name
    # prefix : "" # name of prefix, keys will have format: s3://<bucket>/<prefix>/YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.s+01:00.json
    # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
    # bucket: "" # Bucket for AWS SecurityLake data, if not empty, AWS SecurityLake output is enabled
    # region: "" # Bucket Region
    # prefix: "" # Prefix for keys
    # accountid: "" # Account ID
    interval: 5 # Time in minutes between two puts to S3 (must be between 5 and 60min) (default: 5min)
    batchsize: 1000 # Max number of events by parquet file (default: 1000)
    # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
    # streamname: "" # AWS Kinesis Stream Name, if not empty, Kinesis output is enabled
    # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  # hostport: "" # host:port address of SMTP server, if not empty, SMTP output is enabled
  # tls: true # use TLS connection (true/false), default is "true"
  # authmechanism: "plain" # SASL Mechanisms : plain, oauthbearer, external, anonymous or none (disable SASL). Default: plain
  # user: "" # user for Plain Mechanism
  # password: "" # password for Plain Mechanism
  # token: "" # OAuthBearer token for OAuthBearer Mechanism
  # identity: "" # identity string for Plain and External Mechanisms
  # trace: "" trace string for Anonymous Mechanism
  # from: "" # Sender address (mandatory if SMTP output is enabled)
  # to: "" # comma-separated list of Recipident addresses, can't be empty (mandatory if SMTP output is enabled)
  # outputformat: "" # html (default), text
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  # extralabels: "" # comma separated list of fields to use as labels additionally to rule, source, priority, tags and custom_fields

  forwarder: "" # The address for the StatsD forwarder, in the form "host:port", if not empty StatsD is enabled
  namespace: "falcosidekick." # A prefix for all metrics (default: "falcosidekick.")

  forwarder: "" # The address for the DogStatsD forwarder, in the form "host:port", if not empty DogStatsD is enabled
  namespace: "falcosidekick." # A prefix for all metrics (default: "falcosidekick.")
  # tag :
  #   key: "value"

  # apikey: "2c771471-e2af-4dc6-bd35-e7f6ff479b64" # Opsgenie API Key, if not empty, Opsgenie output is enabled
  region: "eu" # (us|eu) region of your domain
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  # address: "" # Webhook address, if not empty, Webhook output is enabled
  # method: "POST" # Webhook http method: POST or PUT (default: POST)
  # customHeaders: # Custom headers to add in the request, useful for Authentication
  #   key: value
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)

  # address: "" # Webhook address, if not empty, Webhook output is enabled
  # user: "" # User if Basic Auth is enabled for 'http in' node in Node-RED
  # password: "" # Password if Basic Auth is enabled for 'http in' node in Node-RED
  # customHeaders: # Custom headers to add in POST, useful for Authentication
  #   key: value
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)

    name: "" # Name of the Hub, if not empty, EventHub is enabled
    namespace: "" # Name of the space the Hub is in
    # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  webhookurl: "" # discord WebhookURL (ex:, if not empty, Discord output is enabled
  # icon: "" # Discord icon (avatar)
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  credentials: "" # The base64-encoded JSON key file for the GCP service account
    projectid: "" # The GCP Project ID containing the Pub/Sub Topic
    topic: "" # The name of the Pub/Sub topic
    # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
    # prefix : "" # name of prefix, keys will have format: gs://<bucket>/<prefix>/YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.s+01:00.json
    bucket: "" # The name of the bucket
    # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
    name: "" # The name of the Cloud Function
    # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
    endpoint: "" # The URL of the Cloud Function
    jwt: "" # Appropriate JWT to invoke the Cloud Function
    # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  webhookurl: "" # Google Chat WebhookURL (ex:, if not empty, Google Chat output is enabled
  # outputformat: "" # all (default), text
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  messageformat: 'Alert : rule *{{ .Rule }}* triggered by user *{{ index
    .OutputFields "" }}*' # a Go template to format Google Chat Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from `GOOGLECHAT_OUTPUTFORMAT`, see [Slack Message Formatting](#slack-message-formatting) in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment.

  webhookurl: "" # WebhookURL (ex:, if not empty, Cliq output is enabled
  # icon: "" # Cliq icon (avatar)
  # useemoji: true # Prefix message text with an emoji
  # outputformat: "all" # all (default), text, fields
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  messageformat: 'Alert : rule *{{ .Rule }}* triggered by user *{{ index
    .OutputFields "" }}*' # a Go template to format Cliq Text above Table, displayed in addition to the output from `CLIQ_OUTPUTFORMAT`, see [Slack Message Formatting](#slack-message-formatting) in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Table.

  hostport: "" # Apache Kafka Host:Port (ex: localhost:9092). Defaults to port 9092 if no port is specified after the domain, if not empty, Kafka output is enabled
  topic: "" # Name of the topic, if not empty, Kafka output is enabled
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  address: "" # The full URL to the topic (example "http://kafkarest:8082/topics/test")
  #version: 2 # Kafka Rest Proxy API version 2|1 (default: 2)
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)

  routingKey: "" # Pagerduty Routing Key, if not empty, Pagerduty output is enabled
  region: "us" # Pagerduty Region, can be 'us' or 'eu' (default: us)
  minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  function: "" # Name of Kubeless function, if not empty, Kubeless is enabled
  namespace: "" # Namespace of Kubeless function (mandatory)
  port: 8080 # Port of service of Kubeless function
  kubeconfig: "~/.kube/config" # Kubeconfig file to use (only if falcoside is running outside the cluster)
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)

  functionname: "" # Name of OpenFaaS function, if not empty, OpenFaaS is enabled
  functionnamespace: "openfaas-fn" # Namespace of OpenFaaS function, "openfaas-fn" (default)
  gatewayservice: "gateway" # Service of OpenFaaS Gateway, "gateway" (default)
  gatewayport: 8080 # Port of service of OpenFaaS Gateway
  gatewaynamespace: "openfaas" # Namespace of OpenFaaS Gateway, "openfaas" (default)
  kubeconfig: "~/.kube/config" # Kubeconfig file to use (only if falcosidekick is running outside the cluster)
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)

  url: "" # Rabbitmq URL, if not empty, Rabbitmq output is enabled
  queue: "" # Rabbitmq Queue name
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  endpointtype: "direct" # Wavefront endpoint type, must be 'direct' or 'proxy'. If not empty, with endpointhost, Wavefront output is enabled
  endpointhost: "" # Wavefront endpoint address (only the host). If not empty, with endpointhost, Wavefront output is enabled
  endpointmetricport: 2878 # Wavefront endpoint port when type is 'proxy'
  endpointtoken: "" # Wavefront token. Must be used only when endpointtype is 'direct'
  metricname: "falco.alert" # Metric to be created in Wavefront. Defaults to falco.alert
  batchsize: 10000 # max batch of data sent per flush interval. defaults to 10,000. Used only in direct mode
  flushintervalseconds: 1 # Time in seconds between flushing metrics to Wavefront. Defaults to 1s
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  function: "" # Name of Fission function, if not empty, Fission is enabled
  routernamespace: "fission" # Namespace of Fission Router, "fission" (default)
  routerservice: "router" # Service of Fission Router, "router" (default)
  routerport: 80 # Port of service of Fission Router
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)

  hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Grafana output is enabled
  apikey: "" # API Key to authenticate to Grafana, if not empty, Grafana output is enabled
  # dashboardid:  # annotations are scoped to a specific dashboard. Optionnal.
  # panelid: "" # annotations are scoped to a specific panel. Optionnal.
  # allfieldsastags: false # if true, all custom fields are added as tags (default: false)
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # customHeaders: # Custom headers to add in POST, useful for Authentication
  #   key: value

  webhookurl: "" # if not empty, Grafana OnCall output is enabled
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  # customHeaders: # Custom headers to add in POST, useful for Authentication
  #   key: value
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  enabled: false  # if true; policyreport output is enabled
  kubeconfig: "~/.kube/config"  # Kubeconfig file to use (only if falcosidekick is running outside the cluster)
  minimumpriority: "debug" # events with a priority above this are mapped to fail in PolicyReport Summary and lower that those are mapped to warn (default="")
  maxevents: 1000 # the max number of events that can be in a policyreport (default: 1000)
  prunebypriority: false # if true; the events with lowest severity are pruned first, in FIFO order (default: false)

  url: "" # WebUI URL, if not empty, WebUI output is enabled

  # accesskeyid: "" # yandex access key
  # secretaccesskey: "" # yandex secret access key
  # region: "" # yandex storage region (default: ru-central-1)
    # endpoint: "" # yandex storage endpoint (default:
    # bucket: "falcosidekick" # Yandex storage, bucket name
    # prefix: "" # name of prefix, keys will have format: s3://<bucket>/<prefix>/YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.s+01:00.json
    # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug
    # endpoint: "" # Yandex Data Streams endpoint (default:
    # streamname: "" # stream name in format /${region}/${folder_id}/${ydb_id}/${stream_name}
    # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug

  # host: "" # Syslog host, if not empty, Syslog output is enabled
  # port: "" # Syslog endpoint port number
  # protocol: "" # Syslog transport protocol. It can be either "tcp" or "udp" (default: tcp)
  # format: "" # Syslog payload format. It can be either "json" or "cef" (default: json)
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  broker: "" # Broker address, can start with tcp:// or ssl://, if not empty, MQTT output is enabled
  # topic: "falco/events" # Topic for messages (default: falco/events)
  # qos: 0 # QOS for messages (default: 0)
  # retained: false # If true, messages are retained (default: false)
  # user: "" # User if the authentication is enabled in the broker
  # password: "" # Password if the authentication is enabled in the broker
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  # hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, ZincSearch output is enabled
  # index: "falco" # index (default: falco)
  # username: "" # use this username to authenticate to ZincSearch (default: "")
  # password: "" # use this password to authenticate to ZincSearch (default: "")
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  # hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Gotify output is enabled
  # token: "" # API Token
  # format: "markdown" # Format of the messages (plaintext, markdown, json) (default: markdown)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  # eventListener: "" # EventListener address, if not empty, Tekton output is enabled
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # mutualtls: false # if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)

  # orguid: "" # Organization to send output to, if not empty, Spyderbat output is enabled
  # apikey: "" # Spyderbat API key with access to the organization
  # apiurl: "" # Spyderbat API url (default: "")
  # source: "falcosidekick" # Spyderbat source ID, max 32 characters (default: "falcosidekick")
  # sourcedescription: "" # Spyderbat source description and display name if not empty, max 256 characters
  # minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  # host: "" # TimescaleDB host, if not empty, TImescaleDB output is enabled
  # port: "5432" # TimescaleDB port (default: 5432)
  # user: "postgres" # Username to authenticate with TimescaleDB (default: postgres)
  # password: "postgres" # Password to authenticate with TimescaleDB (default: postgres)
  # database: "" # TimescaleDB database used
  # hypertablename: "falco_events" # Hypertable to store data events (default: falco_events) See TimescaleDB setup for more info
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  # address: "" # Redis address, if not empty, Redis output is enabled
  # password: "" # Password to authenticate with Redis (default: "")
  # database: "" # Redis database number (default: 0)
  # storagetype: "" # Redis storage type: hashmap or list (default: list)
  # key: "" # Redis storage key name for hashmap, list(default: "falco")
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  # token: "" # telegram bot authentication token
  # chatid: "" # telegram Identifier of the shared chat
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

  # address: "" # N8N address, if not empty, N8N output is enabled
  # user: "" # Username to authenticate with N8N in basic auth
  # password: "" # Password to authenticate with N8N in basic auth
  # headerauthname: "" # Header Auth Key to authenticate with N8N
  # headerauthvalue: "" # Header Auth Value to authenticate with N8N
  # checkcert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  # minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

Usage :

usage: falcosidekick [<flags>]

      --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  -c, --config-file=CONFIG-FILE  config file

Env vars

Configuration of the daemon can be made also by env vars, these values override these from yaml file.

The env vars "match" field names in *yaml file with this structure (take care of lower/uppercases) : yaml: a.b --> envvar: A_B :

  • LISTENADDRESS : ip address to bind falcosidekick to (default: "" meaning all addresses)
  • LISTENPORT : port to listen for daemon (default: 2801)
  • DEBUG : if true all outputs will print in stdout the payload they send (default: false)
  • CUSTOMFIELDS : a list of comma separated custom fields to add to falco, if the value starts with % the relative env var is used events, syntax is "key:value,key:value"
  • TEMPLATEDFIELDS : templated fields are added to falco events and metrics, it uses Go template + output_fields values
  • BRACKETREPLACER : if not empty, the brackets in keys of Output Fields are replaced
  • MUTUALTLSFILESPATH: path which will be used to stored certs and key for mutual tls authentication (default: "/etc/certs")
  • SLACK_WEBHOOKURL : Slack Webhook URL (ex:
  • SLACK_CHANNEL : Slack Channel (optionnal)
  • SLACK_FOOTER : Slack footer
  • SLACK_ICON : Slack icon (avatar)
  • SLACK_USERNAME : Slack username (default: Falcosidekick)
  • SLACK_OUTPUTFORMAT : all (default), text (only text is displayed in Slack), fields (only fields are displayed in Slack)
  • SLACK_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using use this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • SLACK_MESSAGEFORMAT : a Go template to format Slack Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from SLACK_OUTPUTFORMAT, see Slack Message Formatting in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment.
  • ROCKETCHAT_WEBHOOKURL : Rocketchat Webhook URL (ex: https://XXXX/hooks/YYYY), if not empty, Rocketchat output is enabled
  • ROCKETCHAT_ICON : Rocketchat icon (avatar)
  • ROCKETCHAT_USERNAME : Rocketchat username (default: Falcosidekick)
  • ROCKETCHAT_OUTPUTFORMAT : all (default), text (only text is displayed in Rocketchat), fields (only fields are displayed in Rocketchat)
  • ROCKETCHAT_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using use this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • ROCKETCHAT_MESSAGEFORMAT : a Go template to format Rocketchat Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from ROCKETCHAT_OUTPUTFORMAT, see Slack Message Formatting in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment.
  • ROCKETCHAT_MUTUALTLS : enable mutual tls authentication for this output (default: false)
  • ROCKETCHAT_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • MATTERMOST_WEBHOOKURL : Mattermost Webhook URL (ex: https://XXXX/hooks/YYYY), if not empty, Mattermost output is enabled
  • MATTERMOST_FOOTER : Mattermost footer
  • MATTERMOST_ICON : Mattermost icon (avatar)
  • MATTERMOST_USERNAME : Mattermost username (default: Falcosidekick)
  • MATTERMOST_OUTPUTFORMAT : all (default), text (only text is displayed in Mattermost), fields (only fields are displayed in Mattermost)
  • MATTERMOST_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using use this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • MATTERMOST_MESSAGEFORMAT : a Go template to format Mattermost Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from MATTERMOST_OUTPUTFORMAT, see Mattermost Message Formatting in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment.
  • MATTERMOST_MUTUALTLS : enable mutual tls authentication for this output (default: false)
  • MATTERMOST_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • TEAMS_WEBHOOKURL : Teams Webhook URL (ex:"), if not empty, Teams output is enabled
  • TEAMS_ACTIVITYIMAGE : Teams section image
  • TEAMS_OUTPUTFORMAT : all (default), text (only text is displayed in Teams), facts (only facts are displayed in Teams)
  • TEAMS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using use this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • DATADOG_APIKEY : Datadog API Key, if not empty, Datadog output is enabled
  • DATADOG_HOST : Datadog host. Override if you are on the Datadog EU site. Defaults to american site with ""
  • DATADOG_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • DISCORD_WEBHOOKURL : Discord WebhookURL (ex:, if not empty, Discord output is enabled
  • DISCORD_ICON : Discord icon (avatar)
  • DISCORD_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using use this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • ALERTMANAGER_HOSTPORT : AlertManager http://host:port, if not empty, AlertManager is enabled
  • ALERTMANAGER_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • ALERTMANAGER_MUTUALTLS : enable mutual tls authentication for this output (default: false)
  • ALERTMANAGER_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • ALERTMANAGER_ENDPOINT : alertmanager endpoint on which falcosidekick posts alerts, choice is: "/api/v1/alerts" or "/api/v2/alerts" , default is "/api/v1/alerts"
  • ALERTMANAGER_EXPIRESAFTER : if set to a non-zero value, alert expires after that time in seconds (default: 0)
  • ALERTMANAGER_EXTRALABELS : comma separated list of labels composed of a ':' separated name and value that is added to the Alerts. Example: my_label_1:my_value_1, my_label_1:my_value_2 (default: "")
  • ALERTMANAGER_EXTRAANNOTATIONS : comma separated list of annotations composed of a ':' separated name and value that is added to the Alerts. Example: my_annotation_1:my_value_1, my_annotation_1:my_value_2 (default: "")
  • ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTPORT : Elasticsearch http://host:port, if not empty, Elasticsearch is enabled
  • ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX : Elasticsearch index (default: falco)
  • ELASTICSEARCH_TYPE : Elasticsearch document type (default: _doc)
  • ELASTICSEARCH_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • ELASTICSEARCH_SUFFIX : date suffix for index rotation : daily (default), monthly, annually, none
  • ELASTICSEARCH_MUTUALTLS : enable mutual tls authentication for this output (default: false)
  • ELASTICSEARCH_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME : use this username to authenticate to Elasticsearch if the username is not empty (default: "")
  • ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD : use this password to authenticate to Elasticsearch if the password is not empty (default: "")
  • ELASTICSEARCH_CUSTOMHEADERS : a list of comma separated custom headers to add, syntax is "key:value,key:value"
  • INFLUXDB_HOSTPORT : Influxdb http://host:port, if not empty, Influxdb is enabled
  • INFLUXDB_DATABASE : Influxdb database (default: falco)
  • INFLUXDB_ORGANIZATION : Influxdb database (api v1 only) (default: falco)
  • INFLUXDB_BUCKET : Influxdb organization
  • INFLUXDB_USER : bucket (default: falco)
  • INFLUXDB_PASSWORD : user to use if auth is enabled in Influxdb
  • INFLUXDB_TOKEN : API token to use if auth in enabled in Influxdb (disables user and password)
  • INFLUXDB_PRECISION : write precision
  • INFLUXDB_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • INFLUXDB_MUTUALTLS : enable mutual tls authentication for this output (default: false)
  • INFLUXDB_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • LOKI_HOSTPORT : Loki http://host:port, if not empty, Loki is enabled
  • LOKI_USER : User for Grafana Logs
  • LOKI_APIKEY : API Key for Grafana Logs
  • LOKI_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • LOKI_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • LOKI_TENANT : Loki tenant, if not empty, Loki tenant is enabled
  • LOKI_ENDPOINT : Loki endpoint URL path, default is "/api/prom/push" more info :
  • NATS_HOSTPORT : NATS "nats://host:port", if not empty, NATS is enabled
  • LOKI_EXTRALABELS : comma separated list of fields to use as labels additionally to rule, source, priority, tags and custom_fields
  • LOKI_CUSTOMHEADERS : a list of comma separated custom headers to add, syntax is "key:value,key:value"
  • NATS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • NATS_MUTUALTLS : enable mutual tls authentication for this output (default: false)
  • NATS_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • STAN_HOSTPORT : NATS "nats://host:port", if not empty, STAN is enabled
  • STAN_CLUSTERID : Cluster name, if not empty, STAN is enabled
  • STAN_CLIENTID : Client ID to use, if not empty, STAN is enabled
  • STAN_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
  • STAN_MUTUALTLS : enable mutual tls authentication for this output (default: false)
  • STAN_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true) emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • AWS_ACCESSKEYID : AWS Access Key Id (optional if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
  • AWS_SECRETACCESSKEY : AWS Secret Access Key (optional if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
  • AWS_REGION : AWS Region (by default, the metadata are used to get it)
  • AWS_ROLEARN : AWS role to assume (optional if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
  • AWS_EXTERNALID : External id for the role to assume (optional if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
  • AWS_CHECKIDENTITY : Check the identity credentials, set to false for locale developments (default: true)
  • AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTIONNAME : AWS Lambda Function Name, if not empty, AWS Lambda output is enabled
  • AWS_LAMBDA_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • AWS_SQS_URL : AWS SQS Queue URL, if not empty, AWS SQS output is enabled
  • AWS_SQS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • AWS_SNS_TOPICARN : AWS SNS TopicARN, if not empty, AWS SNS output is enabled
  • AWS_SNS_RAWJSON : Send Raw JSON or parse it (default: false)
  • AWS_SNS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • AWS_CLOUDWATCHLOGS_LOGGROUP : AWS CloudWatch Logs Group name, if not empty, CloudWatch Logs output is enabled
  • AWS_CLOUDWATCHLOGS_LOGSTREAM : AWS CloudWatch Logs Stream name, if empty, FalcoSideKick will try to create a log stream
  • AWS_CLOUDWATCHLOGS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • AWS_S3_BUCKET : AWS S3 Bucket, if not empty, AWS S3 output is enabled
  • AWS_S3_PREFIX : Prefix name of the object, keys will have format: s3:////YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.s+01:00.json
  • AWS_S3_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output,
  • AWS_SECURITYLAKE_BUCKET : Bucket for AWS SecurityLake data, if not empty, AWS SecurityLake. output is enabled
  • AWS_SECURITYLAKE_REGION : Bucket Region (mandatory)
  • AWS_SECURITYLAKE_PREFIX : Prefix for keys (mandatory)
  • AWS_SECURITYLAKE_ACCOUNTID : Account ID (mandatory)
  • AWS_SECURITYLAKE_INTERVAL : Time in minutes between two puts to S3 (must be between 5 and 60min) (default: 5min)
  • AWS_SECURITYLAKE_BATCHSIZE : Max number of events by parquet file (default: 1000)
  • AWS_SECURITYLAKE_PREFIX : Prefix name of the object, keys will have format: s3:////YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.s+01:00.json
  • AWS_SECURITYLAKE_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
  • AWS_KINESIS_STREAMNAME : AWS Kinesis Stream Name, if not empty, Kinesis output is enabled
  • AWS_KINESIS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • SMTP_HOSTPORT : "host:port" address of SMTP server, if not empty, SMTP output is enabled
  • SMTP_TLS : use TLS connection (true/false), default is "true"
  • SMTP_FROM : Sender address (mandatory if SMTP output is enabled)
  • SMTP_TO : comma-separated list of Recipident addresses, can't be empty (mandatory if SMTP output is enabled)
  • SMTP_OUTPUTFORMAT : "" # html (default), text
  • SMTP_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • SMTP_AUTHMECHANISM : SASL Mechanisms plain|oauthbearer|external|anonymous or none (disable SASL) Default to plain
  • SMTP_USER : user for Plain Mechanism
  • SMTP_PASSWORD : password for Plain Mechanism
  • SMTP_TOKEN : # OAuthBearer token for OAuthBearer Mechanism
  • SMTP_IDENTITY : identity string for Plain and External Mechanisms
  • SMTP_TRACE : trace string for Anonymous Mechanism
  • OPSGENIE_APIKEY : Opsgenie API Key, if not empty, Opsgenie output is enabled
  • OPSGENIE_REGION : (us|eu) region of your domain (default is 'us')
  • OPSGENIE_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • PROMETHEUS_EXTRALABELS: comma separated list of fields to use as labels additionally to rule, source, priority, tags and custom_fields
  • STATSD_FORWARDER: The address for the StatsD forwarder, in the form http://host:port, if not empty StatsD is enabled
  • STATSD_NAMESPACE: A prefix for all metrics (default: "falcosidekick.")
  • DOGSTATSD_FORWARDER: The address for the DogStatsD forwarder, in the form http://host:port, if not empty DogStatsD is enabled
  • DOGSTATSD_NAMESPACE: A prefix for all metrics (default: falcosidekick."")
  • DOGSTATSD_TAGS: A comma-separated list of tags to add to all metrics
  • WEBHOOK_ADDRESS : Webhook address, if not empty, Webhook output is enabled
  • WEBHOOK_METHOD : HTTP method: POST or PUT (default: POST)
  • WEBHOOK_CUSTOMHEADERS : a list of comma separated custom headers to add, syntax is "key:value,key:value"
  • WEBHOOK_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • WEBHOOK_MUTUALTLS : enable mutual tls authentication for this output (default: false)
  • WEBHOOK_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • NODERED_ADDRESS : Node-RED address, if not empty, Node-RED output is enabled
  • NODERED_USER : User if Basic Auth is enabled for 'http in' node in Node-RED
  • NODERED_PASSWORD : Password if Basic Auth is enabled for 'http in' node in Node-RED
  • NODERED_CUSTOMHEADERS : a list of comma separated custom headers to add, syntax is "key:value,key:value"
  • NODERED_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • NODERED_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • CLOUDEVENTS_ADDRESS : CloudEvents consumer address, if not empty, CloudEvents output is enabled
  • CLOUDEVENTS_EXTENSIONS : a list of comma separated extensions to add, syntax is "key:value,key:value"
  • CLOUDEVENTS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • AZURE_EVENTHUB_NAME: Name of the Hub, if not empty, EventHub is enabled
  • AZURE_EVENTHUB_NAMESPACE: Name of the space the Hub is in
  • AZURE_EVENTHUB_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • GCP_CREDENTIALS: The base64-encoded JSON key file for the GCP service account
  • GCP_PUBSUB_PROJECTID: The GCP Project ID containing the Pub/Sub Topic
  • GCP_PUBSUB_TOPIC: The name of the Pub/Sub topic
  • GCP_PUBSUB_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
  • GCP_STORAGE_BUCKET: The name of the bucket
  • GCP_STORAGE_PREFIX: name of prefix, keys will have format: gs:////YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.s+01:00.json
  • GCP_STORAGE_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • GCP_CLOUDFUNCTIONS_NAME: The name of the Cloud Function
  • GCP_CLOUDFUNCTIONS_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • GCP_CLOUDRUN_ENDPOINT: The URL of the Cloud Function
  • GCP_CLOUDRUN_JWT: Appropriate token for invoking Cloud Function
  • GCP_CLOUDRUN_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • GOOGLECHAT_WEBHOOKURL : Google Chat URL (ex:, if not empty, Google Chat output is enabled
  • GOOGLECHAT_OUTPUTFORMAT : all (default), text (only text is displayed in Google Chat)
  • GOOGLECHAT_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • GOOGLECHAT_MESSAGEFORMAT : a Go template to format Google Chat Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from GOOGLECHAT_OUTPUTFORMAT, see Slack Message Formatting in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before sections.
  • CLIQ_WEBHOOKURL: Zoho Cliq Channel URL (ex:, if not empty, Cliq Chat output is enabled
  • CLIQ_ICON: Cliq icon (avatar)
  • CLIQ_USEEMOJI: Prefix message text with an emoji
  • CLIQ_OUTPUTFORMAT: all (default), text (only text is displayed in Cliq), fields (only fields are displayed in Cliq)
  • CLIQ_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • CLIQ_MESSAGEFORMAT: a Go template to format Google Chat Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from CLIQ_OUTPUTFORMAT, see Slack Message Formatting in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before sections.
  • KAFKA_HOSTPORT: The Host:Port of the Kafka (ex: localhost:9092), if not empty, Kafka is enabled
  • KAFKA_TOPIC: The name of the Kafka topic
  • KAFKA_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • KAFKAREST_ADDRESS: The full URL to the topic (example "http://kafkarest:8082/topics/test")
  • KAFKAREST_VERSION: Kafka Rest Proxy API version 2|1 (default: 2)
  • KAFKAREST_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • KAFKAREST_MUTUALTLS : enable mutual tls authentication for this output (default: false)
  • KAFKAREST_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • PAGERDUTY_ROUTINGKEY: Pagerduty Region, can be 'us' or 'eu' (default: us)
  • PAGERDUTY_REGION: Pagerduty Region, if not empty, Pagerduty output is enabled
  • PAGERDUTY_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • KUBELESS_FUNCTION: Name of Kubeless function, if not empty, Kubeless is enabled
  • KUBELESS_NAMESPACE: Namespace of Kubeless function (mandatory)
  • KUBELESS_PORT: Port of service of Kubeless function (default is 8080)
  • KUBELESS_KUBECONFIG: Kubeconfig file to use (only if falcoside is running outside the cluster)
  • KUBELESS_MINIMUMPRIORITY: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • KUBELESS_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • OPENFAAS_GATEWAYNAMESPACE : Namespace of OpenFaaS Gateway, "openfaas" (default)
  • OPENFAAS_GATEWAYSERVICE : Service of OpenFaaS Gateway, "gateway" (default)
  • OPENFAAS_FUNCTIONNAME : Name of OpenFaaS function, if not empty, OpenFaaS is enabled
  • OPENFAAS_FUNCTIONNAMESPACE : # Namespace of OpenFaaS function, "openfaas-fn" (default)
  • OPENFAAS_GATEWAYPORT : Port of service of OpenFaaS Gateway
  • OPENFAAS_KUBECONFIG : Kubeconfig file to use (only if falcoside is running outside the cluster)
  • OPENFAAS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • OPENFAAS_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • WEBUI_URL : WebUI URL, if not empty, WebUI output is enabled
  • RABBITMQ_URL: Rabbitmq URL, if not empty, Rabbitmq output is enabled
  • RABBITMQ_QUEUE: # Rabbitmq Queue name
  • RABBITMQ_MINIMUMPRIORITY: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
  • WAVEFRONT_ENDPOINTTYPE: Wavefront endpoint type: direct or proxy
  • WAVEFRONT_ENDPOINTHOST: Wavefront endpoint host
  • WAVEFRONT_ENDPOINTTOKEN: Wavefront API token to be used when the type is 'direct'
  • WAVEFRONT_ENDPOINTMETRICPORT: Wavefront endpoint port when type is 'proxy'
  • WAVEFRONT_FLUSHINTERVALSECONDS: Time in seconds between flushing metrics to Wavefront. Defaults to 1s
  • WAVEFRONT_BATCHSIZE: Max batch of data sent per flush interval. Used only in direct mode. Defaults to 10000.
  • WAVEFRONT_METRICNAME: "falco.alert" # Metric name to be created/used in Wavefront
  • WAVEFRONT_MINIMUMPRIORITY: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • FISSION_FUNCTION: Name of Fission function, if not empty, Fission is enabled
  • FISSION_ROUTERNAMESPACE: Namespace of Fission Router, "fission" (default)
  • FISSION_ROUTERSERVICE: Service of Fission Router, "router" (default)
  • FISSION_ROUTERPORT: Port of service of Fission Router
  • FISSION_MINIMUMPRIORITY: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • FISSION_MUTUALTLS: if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  • FISSION_CHECKCERT: check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • GRAFANA_HOSTPORT: http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Grafana output is enabled
  • GRAFANA_APIKEY: API Key to authenticate to Grafana, if not empty, Grafana output is enabled
  • GRAFANA_DASHBOARDID: annotations are scoped to a specific dashboard. Optionnal.
  • GRAFANA_PANELID: annotations are scoped to a specific panel. Optionnal.
  • GRAFANA_ALLFIELDSASTAGS: if true, all custom fields are added as tags (default: false)
  • GRAFANA_MUTUALTLS: if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  • GRAFANA_CHECKCERT: check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • GRAFANA_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • GRAFANA_CUSTOMHEADERS : a list of comma separated custom headers to add, syntax is "key:value,key:value"
  • GRAFANAONCALL_WEBHOOKURL: if not empty, Grafana OnCall output is enabled
  • GRAFANAONCALL_MUTUALTLS: if true, checkcert flag will be ignored (server cert will always be checked)
  • GRAFANAONCALL_CHECKCERT: check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • GRAFANAONCALL_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • GRAFANAONCALL_CUSTOMHEADERS : a list of comma separated custom headers to add, syntax is "key:value,key:value"
  • YANDEX_ACCESSKEYID : Yandex Access Key Id
  • YANDEX_SECRETACCESSKEY : Yandex Secret Access Key
  • YANDEX_REGION: Yandex region (default: ru-central-1)
  • YANDEX_S3_ENDPOINT: Yandex storage endpoint (default:
  • YANDEX_S3_BUCKET: Yandex storage, bucket name
  • YANDEX_S3_PREFIX: name of prefix, keys will have format: s3:////YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.s+01:00.json
  • YANDEX_S3_MINIMUMPRIORITY: # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug
  • YANDEX_DATASTREAMS_ENDPOINT: Yandex Data Streams endpoint (default:
  • YANDEX_DATASTREAMS_STREAMNAME: Stream name in format /${region}/${folder_id}/${ydb_id}/${stream_name}
  • YANDEX_DATASTREAMS_MINIMUMPRIORITY: # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug
  • SYSLOG_HOST: Syslog Host, if not empty, Syslog output is enabled
  • SYSLOG_PORT: Syslog endpoint port number
  • SYSLOG_PROTOCOL: Syslog transport protocol. It can be either "tcp" or "udp" (default: tcp)
  • SYSLOG_FORMAT: Syslog payload format. It can be either "json" or "cef" (default: json)
  • SYSLOG_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default: "debug")
  • POLICYREPORT_ENABLED: if true policyreport output is enabled (default: false)
  • POLICYREPORT_KUBECONFIG: Kubeconfig file to use (only if falcosidekick is running outside the cluster)
  • POLICYREPORT_MINIMUMPRIORITY: events with priority above this are mapped to fail in PolicyReport summary and lower that those are mapped to warn
  • POLICYREPORT_MAXEVENTS: the max number of events that can be per report (default: 1000)
  • POLICYREPORT_PRUNEBYPRIORITY: if true; the events with lowest severity are pruned first, in FIFO order (default: false)
  • MQTT_BROKER: broker address, can start with tcp:// or ssl://, if not empty, MQTT output is enabled
  • MQTT_TOPIC: topic for messages (default: falco/events)
  • MQTT_QOS: QOS for messages (default: 0)
  • MQTT_RETAINED: if true, messages are retained (default: false)
  • MQTT_USER: user if the authentication is enabled in the broker
  • MQTT_PASSWORD: password if the authentication is enabled in the broker
  • MQTT_CHECKCERT: check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • MQTT_PRUNEBYPRIORITY: if true; the events with lowest severity are pruned first, in FIFO order (default: false)
  • ZINC_HOSTPORT: http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, ZincSearch output is enabled
  • ZINC_INDEX: index (default: falco)
  • ZINC_USERNAME: this username to authenticate to ZincSearch (default: "")
  • ZINC_PASSWORD: use this password to authenticate to ZincSearch (default: "")
  • ZINC_CHECKCERT: if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • ZINC_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug
  • GOTIFY_HOSTPORT: http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Gotify output is enabled
  • GOTIFY_FORMAT: Format of the messages (plaintext, markdown, json) (default: markdown)
  • GOTIFY_CHECKCERT: check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • GOTIFY_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • TEKTON_EVENTLISTENER : EventListener address, if not empty, Tekton output is enabled
  • TEKTON_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • TEKTON_CHECKCERT : check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • SPYDERBAT_ORGUID: Organization to send output to, if not empty, Spyderbat output is enabled
  • SPYDERBAT_APIKEY: Spyderbat API key with access to the organization
  • SPYDERBAT_APIURL: Spyderbat API url (default: "")
  • SPYDERBAT_SOURCE: Spyderbat source ID, max 32 characters (default: "falcosidekick")
  • SPYDERBAT_SOURCEDESCRIPTION: Spyderbat source description and display name if not empty, max 256 characters
  • SPYDERBAT_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • TIMESCALEDB_HOST: TimescaleDB host, if not empty, TImescaleDB output is enabled
  • TIMESCALEDB_PORT: TimescaleDB port (default: 5432)
  • TIMESCALEDB_USER: Username to authenticate with TimescaleDB (default: postgres)
  • TIMESCALEDB_PASSWORD: Password to authenticate with TimescaleDB (default: postgres)
  • TIMESCALEDB_DATABASE: TimescaleDB database used
  • TIMESCALEDB_HYPERTABLENAME: Hypertable to store data events (default: falco_events) See TimescaleDB setup for more info
  • TIMESCALEDB_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • REDIS_ADDRESS: Redis host, if not empty, Redis output is enabled (example: localhost:6379)
  • REDIS_PASSWORD: Password to authenticate with Redis (default: "")
  • REDIS_DATABASE: Redis database number (default: 0)
  • REDIS_STORAGE: Redis storage type: hashmap or list (default: "list")
  • REDIS_Key: Redis storage key name for hashmap, list(default: "falco")
  • REDIS_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • TELEGRAM_TOKEN: telegram bot authentication token
  • TELEGRAM_CHATID: telegram Identifier of the shared chat
  • TELEGRAM_CHECKCERT: check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • TELEGRAM_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
  • N8N_ADDRESS: N8N address, if not empty, N8N output is enabled
  • N8N_USER: Password to authenticate with N8N in basic auth
  • N8N_PASSWORD: Header Auth Value to authenticate with N8N
  • N8N_CHECKCERT: check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
  • N8N_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)

Slack/Rocketchat/Mattermost/Googlechat Message Formatting

The SLACK_MESSAGEFORMAT environment variable and slack.messageformat YAML value accept a Go template which can be used to format the text of a slack alert. These templates are evaluated on the JSON data from each Falco event - the following fields are available:

Template Syntax Description
{{ .Output }} A formatted string from Falco describing the event.
{{ .Priority }} The priority of the event, as a string.
{{ .Rule }} The name of the rule that generated the event.
{{ .Time }} The timestamp when the event occurred.
{{ index .OutputFields \"<field name>\" }} A map of additional optional fields emitted depending on the event. These may not be present for every event, in which case they expand to the string <no value>

Go templates also support some basic methods for text manipulation which can be used to improve the clarity of alerts - see the documentation for details.


Different URI (handlers) are available :

  • / : main and default handler, your falco config must be configured to use it
  • /ping : you will get a pong as answer, useful to test if falcosidekick is running and its port is opened (for healthcheck purpose for example). This endpoint is deprecated and it will be removed in 3.0.0.
  • /healthz: you will get a HTTP status code 200 response as answer, useful to test if falcosidekick is running and its port is opened (for healthcheck or purpose for example)
  • /test : (for debug only) send a test event to all enabled outputs.
  • /debug/vars : get statistics from daemon (in JSON format), it uses classic expvar package and some custom values are added
  • /metrics : prometheus endpoint, for scraping metrics about events and falcosidekick


All logs are sent to stdout.

2019/05/10 14:32:06 [INFO] : Enabled Outputs : Slack Datadog

Mutual TLS

Outputs with mutualtls enabled in their configuration require client.crt, client.key and ca.crt files to be stored in the path configured in mutualtlsfilespath global parameter (important: file names must be preserved)

docker run -d -p 2801:2801 -e MUTUALTLSFILESPATH=/etc/certs -e ALERTMANAGER_HOSTPORT=https://XXXX -e ALERTMANAGER_MUTUALTLS=true -e INFLUXDB_HOSTPORT=https://XXXX -e INFLUXDB_MUTUALTLS=true -e WEBHOOK_ADDRESS=XXXX -v /localpath/myclientcert.crt:/etc/certs/client.crt -v /localpath/myclientkey.key:/etc/certs/client.key -v /localpath/ca.crt:/etc/certs/ca.crt falcosecurity/falcosidekick

In above example, the same client certificate will be used for both Alertmanager & InfluxDB outputs which have mutualtls flag set to true.


Golang ExpVar

The daemon exposes the common Golang metrics and some custom values in JSON format. It's useful for monitoring purpose.

expvar json expvarmon


The daemon exposes a prometheus endpoint on URI /metrics.

StatsD / DogStatsD

The daemon is able to push its metrics to a StatsD/DogstatsD server. See Configuration section for how-to.

AWS Policy example

When using the AWS output you will need to set the AWS keys with some permissions to access the resources you selected to use, like SQS, Lambda, SNS and CloudWatchLogs

CloudWatch Logs Sample Policy

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "cloudwacthlogs",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

SQS Sample Policy

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Id": "sqs",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "sendMessage",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "sqs:SendMessage",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:*:111122223333:queue1"

SNS Sample Policy

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Id": "sns",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "publish",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "sns:Publish",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:*:111122223333:queue1"

Lambda Sample Policy

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Id": "lambda",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "invoke",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "lambda:InvokeFunction",
      "Resource": "*"

TimescaleDB setup

To use TimescaleDB you should create the Hypertable first, following this example

CREATE TABLE falcosidekick_events (
	rule TEXT,
	priority VARCHAR(20),
	source VARCHAR(20),
	output TEXT,
	tags TEXT,
	hostname TEXT,
SELECT create_hypertable('falcosidekick_events', 'time');

To support customfields or templatedfields you need to ensure you add the corresponding fields to the Hypertable, for example:

  custom_field_1: "custom-value-1"
  k8s_namespace: '{{ or (index . "") "null" }}'
CREATE TABLE falcosidekick_events (
	rule TEXT,
	priority VARCHAR(20),
	source VARCHAR(20),
	output TEXT,
	tags TEXT,
	hostname TEXT,
	custom_field_1 TEXT,
	k8s_namespace TEXT
SELECT create_hypertable('falcosidekick_events', 'time');

The name from the table should match with the hypertable output configuration. The TimescaleDB output processor will insert SQL nulls when it encounters a string field value of "null".


Run you daemon and try (from Falco's documentation) :

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:2801/" -d'{"output":"16:31:56.746609046: Error File below a known binary directory opened for writing (user=root command=touch /bin/hack file=/bin/hack)","priority":"Error","rule":"Write below binary dir","time":"2019-05-17T15:31:56.746609046Z", "output_fields": {"evt.time":1507591916746609046,"":"/bin/hack","proc.cmdline":"touch /bin/hack","":"root"}}'

You should get :



slack example


slack no fields example

(SLACK_OUTPUTFORMAT="fields" and SLACK_MESSAGEFORMAT="Alert : rule *{{ .Rule }}* triggered by user *{{ index .OutputFields "" }}*")

slack message format example


mattermost example



teams example


teams facts only


(Tip: filter on sources: falco)

datadog example


alertmanager example

Elasticsearch (with Kibana)

kibana example


> use falco
Using database falco
> show series
> select * from events
name: events
time                akey    bkey    ckey    priority rule      value
----                ----    ----    ----    -------- ----      -----
1560433816893368400 AValue  BValue  CValue  Debug    Testrule  This is a test from falcosidekick
1560441359119741800 A_Value B_Value C_Value Debug    Test_rule This is a test from falcosidekick

Loki (with Grafana)

loki example


aws sqs example



smtp html example


smtp plaintext example


opsgenie example


discord example

Google Chat


google chat example


google chat text example

Installing Policy Report Custom Resource Definition (CRD)

Information about how to find and install the CRD for the reports can be found here. Installation of the Policy Report Custom Resource Definition (CRD) is a prerequisite for using Policy Report output.



make falcosidekick


Create a debug event

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" localhost:2801/test

Test & Coverage

make test

With Coverage

make test-coverage


Thomas Labarussias (


Connect Falco to your ecosystem







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  • Go 98.1%
  • Makefile 1.1%
  • Other 0.8%