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Module for MagicMirror: School schedule

The MMM-school-schedule module shows school schedule.


  • School schedule

School schedule screenshot

Using the module

  1. Clone this repository under MagicMirror/modules folder
  2. Run npm install in MagicMirror/modules/MMM-school-schedule folder
  3. Add to the modules array in the MagicMirror/config/config.js file:
modules: [
		module: "MMM-school-schedule",
		position: "top_left",
		header: "School schedule",
		config: {
			schedules: [{
				times: [ "08:30 - 09:15", "09:15 - 10:00", "10:30 - 12:15", "12:30 - 13:15"],
				days: {
					mo: [ "A", "X", "B", "B" ],
					tu: [ "X", "X", "X", "" ],
					we: [ "", "X", "X", "A" ],
					th: [ "", "X", "X", "B" ],
					fr: [ "A", "X", "X", "X" ]
				valid: { // optional
					from: '2023-04-18 08:00:00', // valid from
					to: '2023-05-18 16:00:00' // valid to
			updateInterval: 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // every hour
			large: false

Configuration options

The following properties can be configured:

Option Description
schedules Schedules Array of Schedule Object(s), contains times, days keys and optionally also valid Object with optional from and/or to keys.
Schedule Object:
timesTimes String array
daysDays keys and String array of lessons. Days can be mo, tu, we , th, fr, sa or su. And value is Array of lessons (same length. than times Array)
validWhen schedule is valid. Object contains from or to keys or both from and to keys.
fromOptional start time when schelude is valid, format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
toOptional end time when schelude is valid, format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
updateInterval Update interval in milliseconds, default 1800000
large false