Actors and workflows derived from FP-Akka package at
$ git clone
$ cd FP-KurationServices
$ mvn clean install
Build the kurator-akka project first and kurator-validation second.
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd kurator-akka
$ mvn clean install
$ cd ../kurator-validation
$ mvn clean install
Download the Jython 2.7.1.b3 installer jar. Run the installer from the command line in the kurator home directory.
$ java -jar jython-installer-2.7.1b3.jar
Select the standard installation when prompted (option 2) and when asked to provide the target directory enter "jython2.7.1b3". This will install jython to "/home/kurator/jython2.7.1b3".
Set the JYTHON_HOME environment variable to point the directory you installed to:
$ export JYTHON_HOME=/path/to/jython
Lastly, the JYTHON_PATH environment variable should point to the directory containing python packages for workflow actors. (for example the packages directory found in the root of this project)
$ export JYTHON_PATH=/path/to/packages
Use the pip installer bundled with jython to install python dependencies for the Outcome Stats workflow:
$ ./pip install --upgrade pip
$ cd $JYHTON_HOME/bin
$ ./pip install unidecode
$ ./pip install unicodecsv
$ ./pip install chardet
$ ./pip install xlsxwriter
$ ./pip install ConfigParser
An additional change to the configparser is required, the backports package directory is missing an file after installing. Manually adding this file fixes the issue:
$ cd $JYHTON_HOME/Lib/site-packages/backports
$ touch
Build this project via maven:
$ mvn clean package
This will produce a jar-with-dependencies in the target directory of this project. Run this jar from the command-line via the following:
$ java -jar target/kurator-fp-validation-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -f packages/kurator_fp/workflows/outcome_stats.yaml -p configfile=packages/kurator_fp/config/stats.ini -p inputfile=packages/kurator_fp/data/occurrence_qc.json -p outputfile=outcomeStats.xlsx -l DEBUG