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Package oauth1a


An implementation of OAuth 1.0a in Go1.



go get

Include in your source:

import ""


Clone this repository, then run:

go test -short

in the oauth1a directory. To run an integration test, create a file named CREDENTIALS in the library directory. There should be four lines in this file, in the following format:

<Twitter consumer key>
<Twitter consumer secret>
<Twitter access token>
<Twitter access token secret>

Then run:

go test

This will run an integration test against the Twitter /account/verify_credentials.json endpoint.


A good approach wil be to check oauth1a_test.go for usage.

As a vague example, here is code to configure the library for accessing Twitter:

service := &oauth1a.Service{
	RequestURL:   "",
	AuthorizeURL: "",
	AccessURL:    "",
	ClientConfig: &oauth1a.ClientConfig{
		ConsumerKey:    "<your Twitter consumer key>",
		ConsumerSecret: "<your Twitter consumer secret>",
		CallbackURL:    "<your Twitter callback URL>",
	Signer: new(oauth1a.HmacSha1Signer),

To obtain user credentials:

httpClient := new(http.Client)
ctx := context.Background()
userConfig := &oauth1a.UserConfig{}
userConfig.GetRequestToken(ctx, service, httpClient)
url, _ := userConfig.GetAuthorizeURL(service)
var token string
var verifier string
// Redirect the user to <url> and parse out token and verifier from the response.
userConfig.GetAccessToken(ctx, token, verifier, service, httpClient)

Or if you have existing credentials:

token := "<your access token>"
secret := "<your access token secret>"
userConfig := NewAuthorizedConfig(token, secret)

To send an authenticated request:

httpRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
service.Sign(httpRequest, userConfig)
var httpResponse *http.Response
var err error
httpResponse, err = httpClient.Do(httpRequest)

Examples - A three legged example which uses Twitter's API. To run, cd to the examples directory and then run:


This will host a server on localhost:10000 (use the -port flag to change the port this runs on). Navigate to http://localhost:10000 and then follow the sign in flow.

Note that this example implements a rudimentary session mechanism so that the callback can be matched to the user who initiated the sign in session. Otherwise, it would be possible for one user to initiate a sign in session and another user to complete it. This is a best practice but imposes a requirement for the auth flow to be stateful. If you understand the risks in removing this check from your application, it is possible to implement the flow in a stateless manner.

Version history

Version Changes
v0.1.0 Initial library version.
v0.1.1 Added context support.

Versions are released with:

git tag v0.1.0
git push origin v0.1.0


OAuth 1.0a implementation in Go







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