Clojure MQTT client, based on mqtt-client, Applications can use a blocking API style, a futures based API, or a callback/continuations passing API style.
Leiningen dependency information:
[huzhengquan/clj-mqtt-client "0.1.7"]
(require '[clj-mqtt-client.blocking :as mqtt])
(let [conn (mqtt/connect :uri "tcp://"
:user-name "xxx"
:password "xxx"
:client-id "xxx")]
; publish message
(mqtt/publish conn "topic" (.getBytes "payload" "UTF-8"))
; publish opts
(mqtt/publish conn "topic" (.getBytes "payload") :qos 1 :retain false)
; subscribe
(mqtt/subscribe conn [["topic1" 1] ["topic2" 2]])
; receive
(loop []
(let [{:keys [topic payload]} (mqtt/receive conn)]
; topic ^String "topic1"
; payload ^bytes xxx
(println topic (new String payload "utf-8"))
; disconnect
(mqtt/disconnect conn)
; unsubscribe
(mqtt/unsubscribe conn ["topic1" "topic2"])
; connected?
(mqtt/connected? conn)
(require '[clj-mqtt-client.callback :as mqtt])
; create connection
(let [conn (mqtt/connect :uri "tcp://"
:user-name "xxx"
:password "xxx"
:client-id "xxx"
:listener-on-publish (fn [^String topic ^bytes payload]
; new message
; publish message
(mqtt/publish conn "topic" (.getBytes "payload" "UTF-8"))
; publish opts
(mqtt/publish conn "topic" (.getBytes "payload") :qos 1 :retain false)
; subscribe
(mqtt/subscribe conn [["topic" 1] ["topic2" 2]])
; disconnect
(mqtt/disconnect conn)
(require '[clj-mqtt-client.future :as mqtt])
; create connection
(let [conn (mqtt/future-connection :uri "tcp://" ...)]
; connect
(let [f (mqtt/connect conn)]
(.await f))
; publish
(let [f (mqtt/publish conn "topic" (.getBytes "payload"))]
(.await f))
; subscribe
(let [f (mqtt/subscribe conn [["topic" 1] ["topic2" 2]])]
(.await f))
; receive
(let [f (mqtt/receive conn)
msg (mqtt/read-message f)]
; ...
; disconnect
(let [f (mqtt/disconnect conn)]
(.await f))
Options | Default | Description |
:uri | "tcp://" | |
:user-name | ||
:password | ||
:client-id | ||
:clean-session | true | |
:keep-alive | 30 | Configures the Keep Alive timer in seconds. |
:version | "3.1" | Set to "3.1.1" to use MQTT version 3.1.1. |
:will-message | "" | The Will message to send. |
:will-qos | 0 | Sets the quality of service to use for the Will message. |
:will-topic | ||
:will-retain | Set to true if you want the Will to be published with the retain option. | |
:receive-buffer-size | 65536 (64k) | Sets the size of the internal socket receive buffer. |
:send-buffer-size | 65536 (64k) | Sets the size of the internal socket send buffer. |
:traffic-class | 8 | Sets traffic class or type-of-service octet in the IP header for packets sent from the transport. |
:use-local-host | true | |
:local-address | ||
:reconnect-delay | 10 | How long to wait in ms before the first reconnect attempt. |
:reconnect-delay-max | 30000 | The maximum amount of time in ms to wait between reconnect attempts. |
:reconnect-attempts-max | -1 | |
:connect-attempts-max | -1 | |
:max-read-rate | 0 (disable) | Sets the maximum bytes per second that this transport will receive data at. |
:max-write-rate | 0 (disable) | Sets the maximum bytes per second that this transport will send data at. |
more information : mqtt-client
Copyright © 2018 FIXME
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.