This setup is tested using ROS Noetic and Gazebo 11.
To visualize the EDMO snake robot modules and TF tree in RViz, run the following command:
roslaunch edmo_sim display.launch
To start the Gazebo simulation with spawned EDMO snake robot and enabled controllers, run the following command:
roslaunch edmo_sim sim_eval_realtime.launch
Control robot joints using the RQT GUI:
rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui
or control joints usin the CPG controller:
rosrun edmo_sim __ns:=edmo1 /clock:=/edmo1_clock/
To start 3 parallel EDMO simulations with 6x times speed increase, run:
roslaunch edmo_sim sim_eval_headless_comms.launch --screen
Now in separate terminals run CPG controller for each robot
rosrun edmo_sim __ns:=edmo1 /clock:=/edmo1_clock/
rosrun edmo_sim __ns:=edmo2 /clock:=/edmo2_clock/
rosrun edmo_sim __ns:=edmo3 /clock:=/edmo3_clock/