A REST API that helps you storing the contents and viewing activity of Users and getting contents based on tags provided in request.
Elasticsearch is used to search through records.
You need to have Elasticsearch-6.2.1 (https://www.elastic.co/downloads/past-releases) installed/extracted on your machine.
Steps to start application:
Run below command in root directory,
mvn clean install
Start elasticsearch local server. (\elasticsearch-6.x.x\bin\elasticsearch.bat
Hit http://localhost:9200
to test elasticsearch server is up!
Configure this application if elasticsearch is running on different server or port.
Start AppLauncher from contentsearch/src/main/java/com/kushals/application/AppLauncher.java
`java AppLauncher`
This will start spring boot application listening to localhost 8080 port.
Mappings for the documents
Default mapping can be found at src/main/resources/template directory.
There are two mappings for ContentLibrary and ViewingActivity
-To add Content to library use below REST end point,
PUT http://localhost:8080/contentsearch/contents/add
Provide your content information in request body.
-To search contents by tag use below REST end point,
GET http://localhost:8080/contentsearch/contents/get?tag=Romance
This will return all the contents tagged as Romance category.
-To add viewing activity of a user use below REST end point,
PUT http://localhost:8080/contentsearch/activity/add
Provide your viewing activity information in request body.
{ "id": "1111", "user" : "ABC XYZ", "location" : "Mumbai", "contents_viewed" : [{ "title" : "Some video content name", "metadata" : { "region" : "IN", "long_synopsis" : "long synopsis details", "meta_desc" : "meta description details", "tags": [ "Asemic writing", "Comedy" ] }, "status" : "published", "id" : "960b7d96-9106-49a4-9106-8b1b60760b7d", "date" : 1519821669966 }] }
To get content based on location and tag use below REST end point,
GET http://localhost:8080/contentsearch/activity/get?tag=Romance&location=Mumbai
This should give you the contents tagged with given tag from given location.