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Vesta v1.0.9

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@christasa christasa released this 25 Dec 04:51
· 8 commits to main since this release

Notable Updates:

  • Add Docker Histories environment checking
    The Docker Histories checking inlcuding the malicious variables, unsafe command and hardcode. This feature is implemented in the Docker analysis and image scan, accepting either a tar file or an image ID.
  • Add the filesystem scanning
  • Add BearerToken for authentication
  • Delete the --inside flag in the k8s analysis
    The founction clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags will automatically use restclient.InClusterConfig when it can't find the config in user directory. Therefore, remove the redundant inside symbols.
md5 filename
75820c21fc4df579df4dfa12e47eafcd vesta_darwin_amd64
50e4aa00ae5a5ccc5f4ba07ffa239204 vesta_linux_amd64
1b6dc5033ab5bada38d5027fd655d56e vesta_windows_amd64.exe