A Jupyter Notebook to pull the data for American Community Survey
This project allows user to pull the data on the male population grouped by race and age in American cities from American Community Survey (ACS) by the US Census Bureau. Users can input the year and the city of the ACS they desire and get the data accordingly.
- (a) Install the virtualenv package
pip install virtualenv
- (b) Create a directory and set up the virtual environment
mkdir Environments
cd ./Environments
virtualenv project_acs
- (c) Activate the virtual environment
source project_acs/Scripts/activate # For Mac/Linux users, use: source project_acs/bin/activate
You should be able to see the prompt with (project_acs), and you can check that the Python interpreter is in this virtual environment by typing:
which python
Reference for Winodws vs. Unix-based OS: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8921188/issue-with-virtualenv-cannot-activate
Packages we need for this project:
- pandas
- requests
- jupyter (if you are using jupyter notebook)
pip install pandas
pip install requests
pip install jupyter
We can check that now we have the packages we need in this virtual environment:
pip list
Now, we can export the packages and versions needed for this project to requirements.txt
pip freeze --local > requirements.txt
cat requirements.txt
To install all the packages (and the corresponding verisons) required for this project in a new virtual environment, move the requirements.txt to the working directory and type the following in shell:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To exit the virtual environment:
Install the virtual environment as a kernel onto Jupyter Notebook
python -m ipykernel install --name=project_acs
Then, select "Kernel" > "Change Kernel" > name of your virtual environment
Go to: https://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html;
Input the name of the university (University of Chicago) and your email address in the required fields; the key will be sent to the email you entered; save the key as a .txt file.
Follow along the markdowns in the notebook acs_data_pull.ipynb to query the data for the male population in Chicago city by age and race by inputting the year desired (the latest is 2019). The notebook also demonstrates how to query the data for other American cities.
The notebook data_cross_validation_CDC_wonder.ipynb contains the dataset downloaded from the CDS Wonder Database for cross-validating the results from the API data pull, follow along the markdowns to query the dataset for reference point check to ensure that the data results from the API data pull is sensible.