[EG2024] Official repository of StyleSketch [SKSF-A] [Project Page] [Paper]
- install dependency
bash run.sh
Put styleGAN related checkpoints folder in stylesketch/sketch folder ex) stylesketch/sketch/checkpoints/stylegan_pretrain
Put pretrained StyleSketch weights in model_dir ex) stylesketch/sketch/model_dir https://drive.google.com/file/d/17AgaRzSwXi3c5tmTZztrGGifyHGKrrQu/view?usp=drive_link
Move to sketch folder and run generate.py with the style to extract
cd sketch
python generate.py --train_data sketch_MJ
python generate.py --train_data pencil_sj
In our experiment, we used e4e followed by optimization. This can be replaced by different inversion methods.
SKSF-A consists of seven distinct styles drawn by professional artists, each containing 134 identities and corresponding sketches.
our codes were borrowed from DatasetGAN
title={Stylized Face Sketch Extraction via Generative Prior with Limited Data},
author={Yun, Kwan and Seo, Kwanggyoon and Seo, Chang Wook and Yoon, Soyeon and Kim, Seongcheol and Ji, Soohyun and Ashtari, Amirsaman and Noh, Junyong},
booktitle={Computer Graphics Forum},
organization={Wiley Online Library}