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glTF / MaterialX Support

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1. Introduction

This repo contains utilities to support glTF bidirectional MaterialX data model conversion for workflows first described in the ASWF 2022 Open Source days presentation.

The supported targets are:

  • glTF version 2.0.1
  • Corresponding MaterialX version which supports this. The current target release is 1.38.8..

Any future specification changes will go into MaterialX core as noted by issues logged here

A Khronos integration using this library is being reviewed for integration into main. This currently includes additional features such as integration in the MaterialXViewer and MaterialX GraphEditor, and Python support. Note that no pipeline tools are integrated there (such as baking) hence export expects the target nodegraph denoted in the next section.

Figure: Snapshot of some sample glTF assets imported into the MaterialX GraphEditor

For further documentation on interop and workflows see MaterialX Learning Site.

The glTF documentation covers:

  1. The target MaterialX representation, which includes the glTF PBR node
  2. Details about glTF support nodes which are part of the core MaterialX distribution.
  3. Key glTF<->MaterialX mapping information.
  4. Node implementations. (Filter nodes which start with gltf).

2.6 Units and Color Management Notes

Real world distance units are not explicitly used but can be added in on top of the supplemental nodes. An integration can set a target unit to meter to match glTF if using code generation.

The default input color space is assumed linear / raw except for color input images whih by default match glTF (srgb_texture = sRGB), and "render space" for uniforms and varying geometric color by default.

2.7 Material Assignments

The current target for MaterialX material assignments is basic <materialassign> nodes as part of one or more <look>s. For simplicity and the ability to be parsable by MaterialX integrations such as USD an assignment which uses explicit geom specifiers is recommended. Thus assignments which use regular expressions is not supported.

Conversely for glTF assignments direct assignment are supported at any transform or leaf depth. Variants are not supported at this time.

3. Implementation Breakdown

3.1 MaterialXglTF

This is the main module containing core logic for bi-directional mapping. This module can be used directly.

3.2 glTFMtlx

This is a sample C++ program which uses the MaterialxglTF module to allow command line conversion. Run glTF2Mtlx --help for command line options.

3.3 glTFMtlxTest

This contains unit testing for the MaterialXglTF module. It performs bidirectional conversion from and to glTF for the set of input files specified in the resources direction. Currently this contains a basic set of glTF Sample model files.

3.4 Developer Docs

See Developer Docs for more details.

4. Support

The basic import from glTF to MaterialX and MaterialX to glTF for shading models: gltf_pbr or unlit_surface (if the material is marked as being unit`. Texture mapping including sampler and transform is supported bidirectionally.

Color per vertex associated alpha blending is supported. Import detection uses a heuristic of checking if the assigned geometry has a color channel to add a default color channel binding to the input on the graph node.

Flght Helmet Alpha Blend Test Vertex Color Test

5. Results

The current "Boombox" asset which is distributed as part of MaterialX is generated using the glTF to MaterialX utility.

5.1 glTF Import

Sample Results

Note that all renders are generated as part of unit tests using the core MaterialXView program.

Asset MaterialX from glTF glTF from MaterialX Render
glTF Logo MaterialX GLTF
Chess Set MaterialX GLTF
Damaged Helmet MaterialX GLTF
Boombox with Axes MaterialX GLTF
Iridescence Lamp MaterialX GLTF
Texture Transform Test MaterialX GLTF
Unlit Test MaterialX GLTF

5.2 glTF Export

Sample Results

Conversion from "stock" MaterialX materials to glTF is available for "distillation".

Metallic-roughness-occlusion (ORM) maps are generated based on whether there are any graph connections for occlusion, metallic and roughness inputs on a <gtlf_pbr> instance. If metallic and or roughness are mapped to different inputs then the upstream image(s) or uniform input(s) are merged. This allows for (re)import to <gltf_colorimage> which supports channel splitting of the merged image.

Asset MaterialX to glTF glTF to MaterialX Render Notes
Jade glTF MTLX
Marble glTF MTLX Fidelity and control lost in baking
Plastic glTF MTLX
Wood glTF MTLX ORM map created
Brass glTF MTLX ORM map created
Chess Piece glTF MTLX ORM map created
Brick glTF MTLX ORM map created
Calibration glTF MTLX
Velvet glTF MTLX

The setup uses the shader translation graph found here to accomplish the workflow as presented in the ASWF presentation:


An expanded example is shown here for tiled brass.

Shader translation graph inserted
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<materialx version="1.38" colorspace="lin_rec709" fileprefix="../../../Images/">
  <nodegraph name="NG_brass1">
    <tiledimage name="image_color" type="color3">
      <input name="file" type="filename" value="brass_color.jpg" colorspace="srgb_texture" />
      <input name="uvtiling" type="vector2" value="1.0, 1.0" />
    <tiledimage name="image_roughness" type="float">
      <input name="file" type="filename" value="brass_roughness.jpg" />
      <input name="uvtiling" type="vector2" value="1.0, 1.0" />
    <standard_surface_to_gltf_pbr name="node1" type="multioutput" nodedef="ND_standard_surface_to_gltf_pbr">
      <input name="base" type="float" value="1" />
      <input name="base_color" type="color3" value="1, 1, 1" />
      <input name="specular_roughness" type="float" nodename="image_roughness" />
      <input name="metalness" type="float" value="1" />
      <input name="coat" type="float" value="1" />
      <input name="coat_color" type="color3" nodename="image_color" />
      <input name="coat_roughness" type="float" nodename="image_roughness" />
    <output name="base_color_out" type="color3" nodename="node1" output="base_color_out" />
    <output name="metallic_out" type="float" nodename="node1" output="metallic_out" />
    <output name="roughness_out" type="float" nodename="node1" output="roughness_out" />
    <output name="transmission_out" type="float" nodename="node1" output="transmission_out" />
    <output name="thickness_out" type="float" nodename="node1" output="thickness_out" />
    <output name="attenuation_color_out" type="color3" nodename="node1" output="attenuation_color_out" />
    <output name="sheen_color_out" type="color3" nodename="node1" output="sheen_color_out" />
    <output name="sheen_roughness_out" type="float" nodename="node1" output="sheen_roughness_out" />
    <output name="clearcoat_out" type="float" nodename="node1" output="clearcoat_out" />
    <output name="clearcoat_roughness_out" type="float" nodename="node1" output="clearcoat_roughness_out" />
    <output name="emissive_out" type="color3" nodename="node1" output="emissive_out" />
  <gltf_pbr name="SR_brass1" type="surfaceshader">
    <input name="base_color" type="color3" output="base_color_out" nodegraph="NG_brass1" />
    <input name="metallic" type="float" output="metallic_out" nodegraph="NG_brass1" />
    <input name="roughness" type="float" output="roughness_out" nodegraph="NG_brass1" />
    <input name="transmission" type="float" output="transmission_out" nodegraph="NG_brass1" />
    <input name="thickness" type="float" output="thickness_out" nodegraph="NG_brass1" />
    <input name="attenuation_color" type="color3" output="attenuation_color_out" nodegraph="NG_brass1" />
    <input name="sheen_color" type="color3" output="sheen_color_out" nodegraph="NG_brass1" />
    <input name="sheen_roughness" type="float" output="sheen_roughness_out" nodegraph="NG_brass1" />
    <input name="clearcoat" type="float" output="clearcoat_out" nodegraph="NG_brass1" />
    <input name="clearcoat_roughness" type="float" output="clearcoat_roughness_out" nodegraph="NG_brass1" />
    <input name="emissive" type="color3" output="emissive_out" nodegraph="NG_brass1" />
  <surfacematerial name="Tiled_Brass" type="material">
    <input name="surfaceshader" type="surfaceshader" nodename="SR_brass1" />
Results of baking of graph
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<materialx version="1.38" colorspace="lin_rec709">
  <nodegraph name="NG_baked" colorspace="srgb_texture">
    <image name="base_color_baked" type="color3">
      <input name="file" type="filename" value="D:\Work\materialx\glTF_MaterialX\build\bin\resources\glTF_export\Materials\Examples\StandardSurface\Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_base_color.png" />
    <output name="base_color_output" type="color3" nodename="base_color_baked" />
    <image name="roughness_baked" type="float">
      <input name="file" type="filename" value="D:\Work\materialx\glTF_MaterialX\build\bin\resources\glTF_export\Materials\Examples\StandardSurface\Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_roughness.png" />
    <output name="roughness_output" type="float" nodename="roughness_baked" />
    <image name="clearcoat_baked" type="float">
      <input name="file" type="filename" value="D:\Work\materialx\glTF_MaterialX\build\bin\resources\glTF_export\Materials\Examples\StandardSurface\Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_clearcoat.png" />
    <output name="clearcoat_output" type="float" nodename="clearcoat_baked" />
    <image name="clearcoat_roughness_baked" type="float">
      <input name="file" type="filename" value="D:\Work\materialx\glTF_MaterialX\build\bin\resources\glTF_export\Materials\Examples\StandardSurface\Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_clearcoat_roughness.png" />
    <output name="clearcoat_roughness_output" type="float" nodename="clearcoat_roughness_baked" />
  <gltf_pbr name="SR_brass1_baked" type="surfaceshader">
    <input name="base_color" type="color3" output="base_color_output" nodegraph="NG_baked" />
    <input name="roughness" type="float" output="roughness_output" nodegraph="NG_baked" />
    <input name="clearcoat" type="float" output="clearcoat_output" nodegraph="NG_baked" />
    <input name="clearcoat_roughness" type="float" output="clearcoat_roughness_output" nodegraph="NG_baked" />
  <surfacematerial name="Tiled_Brass_baked" type="material">
    <input name="surfaceshader" type="surfaceshader" nodename="SR_brass1_baked" />
Converted to glTF

ORM map merging occurs during this step to create the "combined" BGRA image created and referenced.

  "asset": {
    "copyright": "Created via glTF translation utilities found here:",
    "generator": "MaterialX 1.38.7 to glTF 2.0 generator",
    "version": "2.0"
  "images": [
      "name": "NG_baked/base_color_baked",
      "uri": "D:/Work/materialx/glTF_MaterialX/build/bin/resources/glTF_export/Materials/Examples/StandardSurface/Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_base_color.png"
      "name": "NG_baked/roughness_baked",
      "uri": "D:/Work/materialx/glTF_MaterialX/build/bin/resources/glTF_export/Materials/Examples/StandardSurface/Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_roughness_combined.png"
      "name": "NG_baked/clearcoat_baked",
      "uri": "D:/Work/materialx/glTF_MaterialX/build/bin/resources/glTF_export/Materials/Examples/StandardSurface/Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_clearcoat.png"
      "name": "NG_baked/clearcoat_roughness_baked",
      "uri": "D:/Work/materialx/glTF_MaterialX/build/bin/resources/glTF_export/Materials/Examples/StandardSurface/Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_clearcoat_roughness.png"
  "materials": [
      "name": "SR_brass1_baked",
      "pbrMetallicRoughness": {
        "baseColorTexture": {
          "index": 0
        "metallicRoughnessTexture": {
          "index": 1
      "extensions": {
        "KHR_materials_clearcoat": {
          "clearcoatTexture": {
            "index": 2,
            "scale": 0
          "clearcoatRoughnessTexture": {
            "index": 3,
            "scale": 0
          "clearcoatFactor": 1,
          "clearcoatRoughnessFactor": 1
        "KHR_materials_ior": {
        "KHR_materials_specular": {
        "KHR_materials_transmission": {
        "KHR_materials_sheen": {
        "KHR_materials_emissive_strength": {
        "KHR_materials_iridescence": {
          "iridescenceIor": 1,
          "iridescenceThicknessMinimum": 0,
          "iridescenceThicknessMaximum": 0
  "textures": [
      "name": "NG_baked/base_color_baked",
      "source": 0
      "name": "NG_baked/roughness_baked",
      "source": 1
      "name": "NG_baked/clearcoat_baked",
      "source": 2
      "name": "NG_baked/clearcoat_roughness_baked",
      "source": 3
  "extensionsUsed": [
Re-imported back to MaterialX
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<materialx version="1.38">
  <gltf_pbr name="SHD_SR_brass1_baked" type="surfaceshader">
    <input name="base_color" type="color3" nodename="NG_baked_base_color_baked" />
    <input name="metallic" type="float" value="1" nodename="NG_baked_roughness_baked" channels="z" />
    <input name="roughness" type="float" value="1" nodename="NG_baked_roughness_baked" channels="y" />
    <input name="occlusion" type="float" value="1" nodename="NG_baked_roughness_baked" channels="x" />
    <input name="sheen_color" type="color3" value="0, 0, 0" />
    <input name="sheen_roughness" type="float" value="0" />
    <input name="iridescence" type="float" value="0" />
    <input name="iridescence_ior" type="float" value="1" />
    <input name="iridescence_thickness" type="float" value="100" />
    <input name="clearcoat" type="float" nodename="image_clearcoat" />
    <input name="clearcoat_roughness" type="float" nodename="image_clearcoat_roughness" />
    <input name="transmission" type="float" value="0" />
    <input name="specular_color" type="color3" value="1, 1, 1" />
    <input name="specular" type="float" value="1" />
    <input name="ior" type="float" value="1.5" />
    <input name="emissive" type="color3" value="0, 0, 0" />
    <input name="emissive_strength" type="float" value="1" />
  <surfacematerial name="MAT_SR_brass1_baked" type="material">
    <input name="surfaceshader" type="surfaceshader" nodename="SHD_SR_brass1_baked" />
  <gltf_image name="NG_baked_base_color_baked" type="color3">
    <input name="file" type="filename" value="D:/Work/materialx/glTF_MaterialX/build/bin/resources/glTF_export/Materials/Examples/StandardSurface/Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_base_color.png" colorspace="srgb_texture" />
  <gltf_image name="NG_baked_roughness_baked" type="vector3">
    <input name="file" type="filename" value="D:/Work/materialx/glTF_MaterialX/build/bin/resources/glTF_export/Materials/Examples/StandardSurface/Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_roughness_combined.png" />
  <gltf_image name="image_clearcoat" type="float">
    <input name="file" type="filename" value="D:/Work/materialx/glTF_MaterialX/build/bin/resources/glTF_export/Materials/Examples/StandardSurface/Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_clearcoat.png" />
  <gltf_image name="image_clearcoat_roughness" type="float">
    <input name="file" type="filename" value="D:/Work/materialx/glTF_MaterialX/build/bin/resources/glTF_export/Materials/Examples/StandardSurface/Tiled_Brass_gltf_pbr_clearcoat_roughness.png" />
  <look name="look1" />