Hi👋, I’m a Backend Software Developer.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning C, Python(Django, Flask) and Javascript.
- 🌍 UN SDGs Advocate committed to sustainable development.
- 🤝 Open Source Contributor focused on projects that promote sustainability and community-driven innovation.
- I’m looking to collaborate on new projects
- 📫 How to reach me kyalokimeu0@gmail.com
- Here's my number +254758306436.
- PrintF: This project is an implementation of the printf function in the C standard library.
- Simple shell: The program is designed to mimic the abilities of a simple shell.
- Monty (C - Stacks, Queues - LIFO, FIFO): A language interpreter that processes Monty bytecodes, utilizing stack and queue data structures.
- Sorting_algorithms: An implementation of various sorting algorithms in C, including bubble sort, quick sort, and merge sort.
- AirBnB clone version 1 - The console: The first version of an AirBnB clone project focusing on building a command-line interface to manage application data.
- AirBNB clone version 2 - MySQL: This version of the AirBnB clone integrates a MySQL database, enhancing data storage and retrieval capabilities.
- AirBNB clone version 2 - Web framework: Expanding the AirBnB clone to include a web framework, allowing users to interact with the application through a web interface.
- AirBNB clone version 3 - RESTful API: Introduction of a RESTful API to the AirBnB clone, enabling communication between the frontend and backend.
- AirBNB clone version 4 - Web dynamic: The final version of the AirBnB clone, incorporating dynamic content rendering and enhanced user interaction through AJAX.
- Webstack - Portfolio Project: A portfolio project focused on creating a web application for managing food donations, featuring a responsive design and interactive elements.