Action RPG UI was created with art from Diablo 3 and is heavily based on RothUI with additional inspirations from Path of Exile.
All of the following addons are integral to getting the UI setup properly. Unlike other UI packs I have chosen not to hardcode my modifications to these. This means that if ARPG does make changes to these addons it does so in a modular way allowing you to always run the official versions of these addons.
- AdiBags
- Bazooka
- Broker_Volume
- BugGrabber
- BugSack
- Deadly Boss Mods
- Dominos (Only: Dominos & Dominos_Config)
- Immersion
- iGear
- Is: Toasts
- Opie
- Postal
- Skada
- tullaCC
- tullaRange
- WeakAuras 2
While not required, the following addons are also heavily recommended to complete your UI/Experience.
- Angry Keystones
- AzeritePowerWeights (Get your Azerite Weights from here)
- CanIMogIt?
- FishingBuddy
- Gnome Sequencer Enhanced 2
- Pawn
- Rematch
- RENovate
- SimulationCraft
NOTE: Use Default profiles!
Many AddOns have helped me in the development of the ARPG UI. Many AddOns have also been merged/integrated with ARPG. I have tried to give credit for all the borrowed/integrated code here. If you find something that is not in the list that needs to be, please let me know!
- Aurora (skinning)
- AutoLootPlus (fast loot code)
- AzeriteTooltips (integrated into my tooltips)
- Coordinates (fixing my InfoStrings coords errors)
- DejaCharacterStats/Light&Shadow ElvUI (CharacterArmory/StatsPane stuff)
- Gallywix Azerite Ledger (vital to the creation of my Azerite LDB)
- Ara Broker Money/Friends&Guild converted to "ARPG: Money" and "ARPG: Social" LDB plugins
- VisionBossMod (slowly I am integrated most stuff from here, sans the boss mod, into ARPG)
- Zork for his many addons that I have modified and converted from the old RothUI to work with BFA and ARPG
There are also quite a few WeakAura presets that have been imported into this UI. The links to all third-party presets are located here.