A simple CLI generator for strong passwords. Written in Go's stdlib with cryptographically secure RNG. Provides multiple options to customize a password. It shadows the generated password in memory after execution.
There is three options: password length, password mode (alphanumeric, numeric or alphabetic) and special characters. By default, pwdmix will generate a 12 character alphanumeric password without special characters.
To customize these options, you have three flags: -l (length), -m (mode) and -s (special chars).
: password length, 1 or higher [defaults to 12]-m
: generator mode, a (alphabetic), an (alphanumeric) or n (numeric) [defaults to an]-s
: adds special characters (recommended)
Example: ./pwdmix -l 18 -m n
would generate an 18 character-long numeric password.
Download a precompiled binary (available for Windows, Linux and MacOS in multiple architectures) from the releases page. I recommend renaming it to just pwdmix or pwdmix.exe since the OS and architecture info makes the filename relatively long.
Alternatively, compile it yourself with go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o outputname cmd/pwdmix/main.go