Still a work in progress. runs local, need to mod to work /w bananas infra. You could deploy this on vercel/zeet too!
It uses playwright and chromium to open browser and parse html.
Make sure that python and virual environment is installed.
Create a new virtual environment
# one time
virtualenv -p $(which python3) pyenv
# everytime you want to run the server
source pyenv/bin/activate
- Now install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- If you are installing playwright for the first time, it will ask you to run this command for one time only.
playwright install && playwright install-deps
Set env vars so login works export EMAIL="your openai email" export PASSWORD="your openai password"
Note: you need to use email/password login for this to work, gmail auth isn't supported.
Now run the server
python server.py
- The server runs at port
. If you want to change, you can change it in server.py
- There is a single end point only. It is available at
curl -XGET http://localhost:5001/chat?q=Write%20a%20python%20program%20to%20reverse%20a%20list
- thanks to Daniel Gross's whatsapp gpt package. + Tarans cleanuped installation for making this easier + Chat-GPT for advising me on how to access openai programatically.