AllThingsTech is a small Mastodon instance that anyone who is interested in all things tech related can call home.
This GitHub repo is used to document processes, rules, and universal messages used by moderators or admins of the space.
To join AllThingsTech, head over to It is encouraged to make a donation if you are able to, but it is not required. Please do so on Ko-fi.
If you do make a donation, then please let @cliffwade or @kylewritescode know or say you did in your reason to join the server. To know how donations are used, the check out the donations doc.
The admins are here to make sure our community is well taken care of, everything is running smoothly, and everyone feels welcome! - owner/admin - admin
The moderators are here to help keep the server in shape, make sure no spam comes through, and keep people following the rules. - moderator
The server is hosted by
Current level: Constellation
A log of all server history can be found in the CHANGELOG. The CHANGELOG is the single source for all server updates.